scan in the morning - so nervous!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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So........I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and have my scan at 9am tomorrow. I had a private scan at 6 weeks and heartbeat was found and I listen every couple of days on the doppler to the heaertbeat BUT I'm still nervous! I keep thinking 'What if it has a heartbeat but hasn't grown?'. Is that even possible? I suppose it would help if I was showing. I get a bit bloated at night but thats it! Sorry to go on - it actually helps having a bit of a moan. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies xx
You moan away (not that you were though!). good luck for your scan, I'm sure everything will be fine, especially as you've been listening to the heartbeat.

Look forward to the update and the scan pictures x
Im in for a scan tomorrow morning too! So i know how nervous your feeling! Im 9 weeks LMP but at a last scan from bleeding was dated round 6 and EPU have said they need to see a heartbeat tomorrow! Once your there and see you baby on screen again youll probs wonder what you were worried for!!! Good luck!
good luck with your scan, fingers crossed and bring back some pics :) xxxx
Hey Danielle,

I have my scan tomorrow too! But I have to wait until 2.50pm ha I just know it will drag.
I think its natural to worry and in the end we realise we were worrying for nothing. Just do't worry too much and try to look forward to seeing your little one :-)
I wish you luck and sure all will be OK.
Good luck to you all with scans can't come quick enough for me!! xx
Good luck!! I've got mine tomorrow at 10.40am but haven't had any previous scans and don't have a doppler so am very nervous as to what they are going to find.... Eeeek!!
I was ridiculous in the run up to my scan - had to take a week off work and spent most of it in bed crying! I was so worried that they would pick up wrong things and not pick up right things. Now I'm getting paranoid about going to the MW on Thursday - will they find a heartbeat? Will my bloods come back ok? For me, the worrying never stops!!!!! But so far, everything is fine - and I hope today goes well for you too.
Good luck for all the girls who have scans this week. I had mine last Friday and it was one if the most amazing experiences ever.

Good luck for all the girls who have scans this week. I had mine last Friday and it was one if the most amazing experiences ever.

Good luck ladies, will be thinking about u all today, i have mine tomorrow so please please bring back lots of good news :) xxxxxxxx
My little baba was beautiful!!!! My pics were so clear! He was very active, scratching his head, kicking my bladder etc! I'm in love! X
good luck honey will have my fingers crossed for you :) xxx

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