scan at 8.5weeks


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Please can anyone tell if my scan will be an internal scan? I am going on Saturday for a dating scan and will be 8 weeks 5 days, I have now been told (by a friend) that it will prob be an internal scan and if this is the case I would rather wait a week. Does anyone know when they stop doing internal scans?
Don't worry about internal scan. I had one at 9 weeks due to some abnormal discharge. The internal scan was actually clearer than my dating scan at 12 weeks. I would go for it if I was you.

I had scans at 8.5 weeks, 9.5 weeks and 10.5 weeks for minor bleeding and none of them were internal. They told me they would only do an internal scan if they couldn't see the baby with a normal scan.

I have since had an internal scan because of a shortened cervix and I can promise you it really doesn't hurt or anything. Take someone with you for support.

Good luck.
Thanks for the advice both of you. Did either of you see much at the early scans?
i had a scan at 9+4, so a bit later than you - but it was an external scan. i didn't think i'd be able to make out anything, but i could definitely see the basic shapes (head, body, and even tiny arm and leg buds). if you click on the link to my blog, i have a pic in there from all my scans if you want to see.

there are also good scan pics week by week in the gallery at ... sindex.htm

good luck at your scan! :D
I had a dating scan at 5 weeks - couldnt see anything ont eh normal scan so they did an internal one. All i can say is i am glad they did as i could at least see the sac to confirm the pregnancy. I promise it wont hurt, it's like a smear without the pain :lol:

you will be fine - enjoy it!
I saw more at my 9 week scan than 12 week external one (well it was clearer). You could see head and body clearly and we saw the beginnings of arms and legs in fact it was moving these limbs around. Quite amazing really and really reassuring. Could also see heart beating and yolk sac which provides baby with nutrients until placenta takes over. Hope you enjoy it I am sure you will. Like everyone else has said no pain and not really embarassing after inital minute.
Hi I had my first scan of this pregnancy today & it was an internal sc an I'm 7 weeks pregnant. It depends on the person. Not much could be seen with belly scan so internal showed a lot more. It doesn't hurt a bit.
Lorrie x
nice one lorrie hun glad all went ok for you hun have been thinking bout u all day :D xxxxxxxx
Hiya, my names Amy and i noticed that you live in Reading. Well i just thought i would come and tell you about a new Pregnancy Scanning Studio just opened near the Oracle :D

Its called Future Babies :D

Future Babies

So anyway, i just came to let you know. Take care

Amy xxxx

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