Saying 'NO'


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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What do your LO's do when you tell them NO?

Sam has started laughing when I say it. It is quite funny because he giggles when you say it in a stern voice and he does make me laugh but I don't want to teach him it is OK to laugh when he is told it.

Is it silly of me to worry about it or am i right to want to nip it in the bud early?
Jack changes his reaction every now and again. He went through a stage of laughing and shaking his head back and pointing at me as though he was telling me off :lol: then he went through the pet lip stage :roll: the stage he is going through at the moment is throwing himself on the floor and rolling around crying :lol:
LO went through a stage of laughing at "No"
It then became a temper, like a stomp of the feet and re-trying what ever it was that was 'no' in the first place
Now he really does know what 'no' is and will look to see if you mean it and normally stop it or put the thing back or what ever....I'm sure the laughing is just a stage.
Caelan laughs at me saying it and then I burst out laughing! Argh I can't help myself!
Connie just looks at me in wonderment and then continues to attack my glasses.
The word NO used to really work for us but recently it's been getting mixed reactions from laughing (which I have to admit does make me laugh!), to stamping feet, to full on crying.

At the moment the word is generally disregarded :roll: :roll: I think Evie is starting to test the limits a bit and it's becoming a battle to discipline her. Some days are better than others though.

I am really trying to be very stern and strict with her because I don't want a tearaway toddler :lol: ... Evie is very strongwilled though and somedays she has me pulling my hair out!
Thanks, its hopefully just a phase :pray: I just don't want like Pilkers said a tearaway toddler on my hands.
It's so hard to not laugh when he laughs at me though :doh:

Funnily enough though when OH told him no tonight he did the pet lip at Daddy :roll:
When we say NO Bethany looks at us with a cheeky face but then she puts her head down to hide, usually stays like that for a few seconds.
She doesn't have a clue what it means. To be honest, we don't really say it to her. we go more for misdirection - handing her a sock to play with when she lunges for a cup of tea for example :lol:
Maddison throws herself to the floor and cries then when we ignore her she comes over and smacks us :roll:
It's odd though with Evie because there are certain things like the fire for example which she knows she isn't allowed to touch and she points at it and says "no" to me...

This is why I think she's testing the limits at the minute. I think she knows there are some serious no's and then there are some no's which she might be able to get away with! :rotfl:
Becky will stop when I tell her no. Then she'll try again while looking at me with a big smile on her face :lol: . While she can't say "no" yet, she will shake her head "no" when she doesn't want something (usually having her nose wiped or face cleaned, now she looks at a tissue and shakes her her immediately).
sometimes Iz laughs, sometimes she ignores us, but she's just starting to realise what no means so occasionally we will have the fake cry :lol: She also shouts "NING!" at us sometimes which we think is her version of no :lol: When we do her nappy or wipe her face sh starts going "ningningningningningning!!" :rotfl:

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