Saw my GP today


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Saw my GP today and insisted he sent off my wee sample to test (he thinks I had an m/c in June), even though I confessed to doing 10 tests I think he was :shock: but laughed with me. He was very supportive with our decision to have a Nuchal scan for Downs as he understood that with my disabilities and everything it would be the best option.

I asked if it was all in my head having nausea at only 5 weeks and he said no it was real and unfotunately I was getting it early, in fact he said some women can get it as early as the first day of their missed period.

He is going to refer me to a spine specialist too as I have curved spine.

So it looks like the 1st week in Jan I will have the Nuchal scan, 12week scan and spine appointment, try explaining that too work who I'm not making any annoucements too as I am going to have to re-apply for my job and will probably have the interview the following week :roll: I just hope they don't notice me puking!

The good news is I can't have the Urodynamic test (inserting the catheta up both ends :oops: to test for bladder function and recurring UTIs which seem to have cleared up since BFP! I can't tell you how much a relief that is! :cheer: :cheer:

I should get the GP test results Thursday

Aww Honey, sounds like your having to go thro alot, i hope everything works out okay and you keep yourself well Sweetheart..... :hug:
My GP just rang at 7pm this evening, after the initial panic (in June he rang me at 7pm to say sorry no BFP) he told me to go for a blood test tomorrow.

I mentioned to him on Monday that when I was 2 and 3 they did tests for cysitic fibrosis and they were inconclusive. He than spoke tothe Genetic department today and they suggested that I get tested again. He said he doubts I have it as I am thriving and have never been treated for it in 30 years but suggested I may be a carrier. If I am then DH has to be tested too.

I'm getting flippping fed up I throught this would be straight forward :cry:
Good lluck and let us know when you get your result xx

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