Saw Midwife Yesterday


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hiya well saw the midwife yesterday but as per usual head still not fully engaged so she couldn't do a sweep, But as she was feeling my tummy I was having a contraction,

There was protein in my wee so I was hoping my blood pressure would be up and she send me up to the hospital but nope blood pressure is perfect. As I was only term +5 she couldn't book my induction date so is coming to the house tomorrow morning to check for protein again and hopefully will be able to do a sweep. She'll also book me in for an induction on Tuesday when I will be term +10. Will be spending a lot of time on my gym ball today to try and get things going naturally in the meantime.
Hope things are ok and move on for you very soon xx
Hope you're able to get a sweep tomorrow Smurf - you must be fed up now. I had protein in my pee last week and it got sent away for analysis but it came back as satisfactory - think it must be common at this stage. Happy bouncing on your ball today xx
Thanks girls I had a little walk around tesco earlier and my tummy getting really tight but didn't have any pains but was getting hotter and hotter by the time I got home I was absolutely boiling I'm finally starting to cool down now not sure what happened. Getting more tightenings and some pains low down in my bump at the moment so will keep an eye and see what happens.
I have everything crossed for you hun that things start to happen or you get a sweep tomorrow :pray: :hug:

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