i'm in hospital :(


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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saw midwife today and she sent me straight to hospital cos my blood pressure is sky high, i got here and theres also protein in my wee so i have to stay in. Can't update much cos i'm using my phone and i'm not supposed to lol. Mite get my early induction after all, after todays problems the midwife and consultant said i can get induced next week, or if blood pressure stays up it'll be in a day or two. Speak to u all soon x x x
awww i hope you get out of there soon!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: rest and relax!!!!!
Good luck with lowering that blood pressure and how exciting that you might get induced next week......ohhhh another LO on their way!! :hug:
Awwwww good luck hunni! :hug:

Try and get as much rest as you can whilst you are in there, I know that is easier said than done with all the comings and goings at all hours and the constant procession of healthcare types checking on you and prodding and poking you! :lol:

Oh and you probably have 24 hour urine testing to look forward to...nice! :wink:
Take care of yourself and do try and get some rest before the big event! :)
Aww babes at least something is beong done after all their faffing about! Hope you get your blood ressure lowered and get your induction sorted for next week!
Wow bet your half scared/excited that you could meet your baby in a few days time!
Whenyou have your little one let us know! :D :hug:
relax and enjoy the rest :D
Wish someone had told me that when I was on bed rest before having Josh
Take care :hug:

Good luck hun , try and relax (hard i know) and keep that blood pressure down. Exciting you might meet your LO though :)
sorry to hear that Kirsty... Hope you are feeling OK and they get your BP under control! :hug:
Aww you poor thing. Get yourself a good book to read to pass away the time whilst your on bed rest (or get DH to get one for you) and a stack of magasines.
Hope you are soon feeling better and good luck with everything
Sorry to hear you are in hospital Kirsty. I hope your BP and protein settle down but don't worry too much because you are being looked after there I'm sure.

I totally sympathise with how you are feeling as I was in for 4 1/2 weeks before I had my first. It was great fun (not) measuring everything I drank and collecting my wee for a day! LOL.

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