Saw doc about BP..


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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saw the doctor today and my BP is still really high 130/100 so have been put on beta bloacker for the rest of my pregnancy and have to have BP rechecked in 2 weeks.

I have been told one of the side effects of the tablets is lower birth weight so has left me concerned.
Don't know what to say other than it's good that they are monitoring you, and they wouldn't give you the beta blockers if it would jeapordise your pregnancy - baby will be fine and even if he/she is below average birth weight the little bean will very quickly catch up once born.

Anyway just wanted to send you a hug :hug:

Take it easy & try not to worry

Try not to worry too much sweetheart as that won't do any good for you or bubba, try to relax as much as poss, look after yourself and get OH to run around after you for a bit.

As for baby poss being underweight, don't worry too much, baby will soon gain weight after birth with a bit of tlc which I'm sure will be available by the truckload! I weighed 1.5kg (just over 3lbs) when I was born (6 weeks early) and you'd never think it to look at me now! I'm 5ft 8 and 12 stone!! My mom got obsessive about feeding me.....!
Good news that they are keeping an eye on you.
And like the others have saidm if baby will be fine hun, If baby was going to be really really underweight they wouldnt put you on beta blockers. Better that than high BP throughout hun :hug:
Hi hun,You must need these or they wouldn't give you them. Don't worry so much about it as it doesn't help with keeping the BP down. Your baby will be fine. :hug:

My BP is the opposite at the moment 60/40... very low so i need to wait until i am well enough to start TTC again... I have 600mg tablets to take daily for the next 6 weeks, at least before i am allowed to even think about it......We just have to trust that our Doctors are giving us medication because we need it. They know better than us...

Take care doll and chill..... let others run about after you... i know i am... Yvonne :hug:

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