Sarcastic tickers

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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hi girls...

Was just looking at all our tickers...they all say stuff like "I'm baking a beautiful baby" or " I'm 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant! My baby can...etc etc..."

I was just thinking...we all selected those tickers wayyyy back when we were only a few weeks pregnant and didn't feel the way we did. Imagine if tickers were selected later in the pregnancy or some of them said things like..."I'm 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My fanny hurts and I fart a lot." .....or "I'm feeling so low I want out right now." or "My baby is kicking me so hard I have major heartburn". or stuff like that! I have a funny feeling that not many tickers would be used then!

Hope all of you are feeling better...I know I want out, and I have five weeks left! I am beginning to HOPE that baby comes early...wouldn't it be lovely to be told I was being sectioned next week, to be brought in, anaesthetised and wheeled back out with baby, none of the grind, blood pressure gone, being able to do stuff again etc etc...

Or is my view of a section a fool's paradise?


lol sue you really make me giggle :D

if i could pick my ticker right now it would read something like this...

im so big now i feel like a weeble in bed, cant roll over!
ha, ha I know what you mean. Im only 7 weeks but I remember with Jessica practically waddling in the last couple of weeks and hating everyone. She was 9lb 3oz though.

A woman at work said to me during my first pregnancy, 'you feel like the world is going to fall out your fanny.' I was a bit taken aback at the time but she was not wrong. Thought I would add that while we are using the f word.

I dont even have a ticker.

Hope you are all well.
LOL :lol: very good!

My little ones head is only slightly engaged but it feels very strange.

I can't imagine what a whole head feels like down there, and it won't be long before I find out!

Thank god I have finished work!
My baby is now fully engaged and to me it feels like a bowling ball in my bladder - nice :)
Yeah but haven't you been really lucky so far? Practically symptom free aren't you?! :D

Maybe you wont notice :?
How about - "I am thirty five weeks pregnant. people pat my belly without being invited and everyone else knows better than I do how I feel."
" I am thirty five weeks pregnant. My baby thinks that my ribs are an ideal footstool and every time I laugh, I spring a leak."

"I am thirty five weeks pregnant. I creak so badly my husband keeps putting wd40 on the door hinges."

Speaking of creaks, has anyone else started to really feel the symphysis pubis thing? it feels like a knife between my legs....and I always thought I was very good at my pelvic floors etc.... :oops:

how about "i'm 35 weeks pregnant and i'm fed up getting up in the middle of the night to pee a teaspoon amount out"
i copied and paste the normal ticker in to paint then just wrote my own thing in
i tried it layla but nothing happened. probably did it wrong :cry:

i contacted aol and they say that i should have my broadband package by the 3 january. but i still have my virgin net until then so i will go in through then. my aol email is set up so i have transferred the pregnancy forum to there so thats one thing i have done. :lol:
cool hun :)

what did you want your ticker to say, i will try and make you one
i am thinking a long the lines if

"we shall, we shall, we shall not be moved" but replace the "we" with "i"

is this ok?

if it is, copy and paste this in to your profile sig but leave out the spaces


or click the link and save the picture and upload it yourself, either way will work
i give up layla :lol:

it wont let me close up the spaces after the (IMG) it just cut off the http and when i tried to put it back in it gave me the space in the next line.



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