Sarah H - HELP- a recipe for tablet . Idiot proof


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Hiya Sarah, would it be possible that you have up your sleeve a idiot proof recipe for tablet.
Every year I try it and every year it ends up a gooey mess that mum usually eats (just so as not to disapoint me :roll: ).

I get it wrong I think at the stirring bit. Can blenders or hand whisks be used?

Please help me!!! I so want to impress my daughter by letting her give out stuff that mummy made on halloween.

Sorry to lump it on you but you do seem to know what you are doing in the kitchen.
eeek!! I have never made it myself, but had a look in my Mum's folder of recipes that I have (she was a chef, so should work!!)

She has this noted

1 small cup of milk
Large tin of condensed milk
900g of sugar
100g of butter

* Melt the butter and sugar. Add the condensed milk and the cup of milk.
* Stir and turn up the heat and keep stirring until it reaches boiling point.
* Turn the heat down low and stir for 45 minutes
* Remove from the heat and beat well (about 50 stirs) with a wooden spoon. Put a wee bit on a plate and if it sets then it's ready to be put onto the shallow trays.
* Score the tablet surface marking into squares and allow to set and get cold.
just a quick question what is tablet :think:
I have never heard of that
lauramumof2 said:
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you tried it yet? Did it work??

As I say, I have never made it, but might give it a bash myself :)
I like tablet but I know a lot of people who don't, it looks all nice and fudgey but basically tastes like a big block of sugar :lol:

The "in-laws" often visit their old home town in Scotland and bring Tablet back for us, sooo yummy. The OH has tried to make it a few times but it always turns out a little too fudgey, it's still very tasty though. :)

Thorntons sell small packets of it too, it's not quite the same as proper Tablet but it's close.
Urchin said:
I like tablet but I know a lot of people who don't, it looks all nice and fudgey but basically tastes like a big block of sugar :lol:

Thats what makes it so good! You know its really good tablet when you eat so much of it that it makes your teeth hurt :rotfl:
Ooh I'm going to give this a bash tomorrow I think, I love tablet :D
mmmmm, i used to love tablet but aint had it in years :(

we had tablet the other day, with coconut in it.......YUMMY! :D

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