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Seeing that Catty's had the chance to do hers I thought it must be time to do mine
Sunday 15th of May, midwife came at 11.30am and I started with Braxton Hicks around 2pm, they were 20 minutes apart. Seeing that this was a regular occurance in the last few weeks I took no notice of them. After a few hours they came more regular but not painful so I decided to get in the bath, thinking if they were the real deal they would come more intense. Once in they went away but chilled out and read a book in there.
I put the girls to bed and got settled on the settee. After that they came thick and fast, about 10-15 mins apart, then down to 7-10 mins and right down to 3-4mins apart. I still wasn't convinced that this was the real thing as they didn't hurt enough. Round about 9ish I phoned my mum to be on standby (luckily for me she only lives 4 doors away). I put my tens machine on and tried to walk around a bit. Then all of a sudden they became really intense really quickly. I got to the point where Hubby had to help me breath because I wasn't breathing through a contraction and it hurt more! He was really good and kept telling me to take deep breaths bless him.
At about 12ish I decided it was time to go to hospital as they had told me that 2 contractions within 10 mins and it being my 3rd I could go really quickly. Phoned labour suite and she asked me how far along I was and I couldn't remember
what a pudding! I managed to splutter out I was term lol. She told me to come in. I made sure I kissed the girls goodbye and I felt heartbroken at leaving them
Once in hospital she said I was only 3cm, I explained to the midwife that I've never dilated on my own and will probably end up on the drip. She recommended the home from home suite where I stayed just with my tens machine until half past 4 when the pains became unbearable. I buzzed for her and she checked me I was only 4cm, I told her I wanted an epidural. She transferred me to the labour suite and rang the anaethetist. She asked how I had laboured my girls and I told her with an epidural and she said "So you've never experienced childbirth then?" stupid cow
The epidural was put in place by the anaethetist, it took them 6 attempts to get the cannula in my hands
and took them 2 attemps for the epidural. Once in the epidural took about 20 minutes to work and started to take effect the relief was amazing. Me and hubby even managed to nod off for a while.
Luckily for me my community midwife (which had given me the sweep on sunday) and I'd grown really close to was starting her shift on the labour suite at 7am. So she took over from the other midwife. It was so nice and immediately I relaxed and she knew from my discussions with her that I'd had a traumatic birth with Amy and she knew my fears. She checked me about 8am and I had gotten to 8cms on my own without a drip. When she told me I started to cry, I'd never done it before and I thought my body couldn't do it. She broke my waters and then my contractions came thick and fast, the epidural wasn't working very well and I started to feel them just down one side. Eventually I managed to get to the pushing stage, and after just half an hour baby Sam appeared, crying out loud and after hubby had cut the cord,we had skin to skin contact which was just lovely. (I never had this with the girls) he stayed there for about half an hour whilst they stitched me up (3 stitches) and the placenta was delivered.
After tea and toast, they weighed him and he was a lovely 9lb 10oz. The birth was fantastic and I had such a lovely midwife and hubby to help me get through it and it made all the difference. I'm so shocked that my body was able to get to 10cm's on my own and that although the epidural wore off down one side I was still able to cope with the pain through pushing.
Out of the 3 births I've had Sams is the one that was the best and I would go through it all again tomorrow.
I'll post a couple of pics of him in my next post.

Sunday 15th of May, midwife came at 11.30am and I started with Braxton Hicks around 2pm, they were 20 minutes apart. Seeing that this was a regular occurance in the last few weeks I took no notice of them. After a few hours they came more regular but not painful so I decided to get in the bath, thinking if they were the real deal they would come more intense. Once in they went away but chilled out and read a book in there.
I put the girls to bed and got settled on the settee. After that they came thick and fast, about 10-15 mins apart, then down to 7-10 mins and right down to 3-4mins apart. I still wasn't convinced that this was the real thing as they didn't hurt enough. Round about 9ish I phoned my mum to be on standby (luckily for me she only lives 4 doors away). I put my tens machine on and tried to walk around a bit. Then all of a sudden they became really intense really quickly. I got to the point where Hubby had to help me breath because I wasn't breathing through a contraction and it hurt more! He was really good and kept telling me to take deep breaths bless him.
At about 12ish I decided it was time to go to hospital as they had told me that 2 contractions within 10 mins and it being my 3rd I could go really quickly. Phoned labour suite and she asked me how far along I was and I couldn't remember

Once in hospital she said I was only 3cm, I explained to the midwife that I've never dilated on my own and will probably end up on the drip. She recommended the home from home suite where I stayed just with my tens machine until half past 4 when the pains became unbearable. I buzzed for her and she checked me I was only 4cm, I told her I wanted an epidural. She transferred me to the labour suite and rang the anaethetist. She asked how I had laboured my girls and I told her with an epidural and she said "So you've never experienced childbirth then?" stupid cow

The epidural was put in place by the anaethetist, it took them 6 attempts to get the cannula in my hands

Luckily for me my community midwife (which had given me the sweep on sunday) and I'd grown really close to was starting her shift on the labour suite at 7am. So she took over from the other midwife. It was so nice and immediately I relaxed and she knew from my discussions with her that I'd had a traumatic birth with Amy and she knew my fears. She checked me about 8am and I had gotten to 8cms on my own without a drip. When she told me I started to cry, I'd never done it before and I thought my body couldn't do it. She broke my waters and then my contractions came thick and fast, the epidural wasn't working very well and I started to feel them just down one side. Eventually I managed to get to the pushing stage, and after just half an hour baby Sam appeared, crying out loud and after hubby had cut the cord,we had skin to skin contact which was just lovely. (I never had this with the girls) he stayed there for about half an hour whilst they stitched me up (3 stitches) and the placenta was delivered.
After tea and toast, they weighed him and he was a lovely 9lb 10oz. The birth was fantastic and I had such a lovely midwife and hubby to help me get through it and it made all the difference. I'm so shocked that my body was able to get to 10cm's on my own and that although the epidural wore off down one side I was still able to cope with the pain through pushing.
Out of the 3 births I've had Sams is the one that was the best and I would go through it all again tomorrow.
I'll post a couple of pics of him in my next post.