SAHMs and Mums of two

Just because I said it is better for us, that does not mean anyone is cheating the system. Yes he is still disabled. Why do you ask anyway? - I'm sorry if that sounds off hand it isn't meant to.
i was only trying to clarify things in my head thats all. You said he is muchg better not working than working so that he can see his kids and not get taxed . Reading it makesme think he couldwork but chooses not to thats all.
Of course. I can see that now. Sorry. No. Just pointing out the benefits of it for us, not the reasons. Our circumstances are different from most though I would think.
my husband is a stay at home dad,plus the fact he cant work,we dont get no disability payments etc.we were told we wasnt entitled to husband is 30 has had a stroke has panic attacks where he collapsesat least once a week and he stops breathing as his bp goes sky high he's on that many pills he rattles.because of his panic attacks he has a tendancy to over exagerate things if he's chesty he finds it hard to breath etc, he doesnt smoke or drink and doesnt go out unless he's got the kids with him.He had a bad experience as a child that casued all this,he drives but cant put the car on a motorway as he will start crying etc.there is more but i wont bore you,dwp seem to have one rule for one and one for another :roll:
Yes it does seem so. That sounds bad. I'm sorry to hear you can't get it. You certainly should by the sounds os it.
Thanks for all the info, i need to sit down and look through it all properly! x
im goin back to work in the new yr cos of the extra money it will bring in as well as OH's salary!

we decided to have another baby in another 5yrs at least after we get married so thats a weight off OH's mind lol!

will be weird goin back to work but its only part time and will make time with Jamie even more special when i come in from a crap day!

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