

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Hi ppl.i feel so overwhelmed with pain and sadness today i just cant cope I no my anniversary of my loss is approaching feb 14th and my partners Baby sister was born today and he was posting the pics oF her on facebook "welcome to the world my baby sister " its eating me up inside i just kept thinking that should be our baby pics your showing. I am really happy for them i didnt meen for that to sound selfish. but i couldnt even go and visit her because im to emotional. I dont even know if i can have a baby now cos ive still got pelvic inflammatry disease and my tubes might be damaged,waiting for tests. Everything just seems shit and it hurts this raw heartache is killing me i cant stop crying. Nothings making me feel better i would do anything to have my baby in my arms. Im sorry i just felt like writing my feelings down as im so alone right now x
I know its hard but please don't beat yourself up about it. It won't do you any good putting your body and mind under further stress. Going to see the baby might make you feel a lot more positive and you might look back when you have your baby and regret not going to see her... Bg hugs and don't feel alone, please speak to someone who you know will listen xxxxx
Im really sorry you are feeling like this but it is completely understandable! Take care of yourself and try to give yourself a treat, or pick me up. Its so hard at times. Take care! Xxxx
I just wanted to give you a big virtual hug hun. ^hugs^ xx
Xxx ah thank u so much hun x x x every1s words really comfort me
Oh hun, I really feel for you, it's a very unusual situation for your oh to get a baby sister now while your ttc and having trouble. It's only natural for you to feel like you do. maybee give it a few days and then see the baby, it could be a real positive for your future baby , they will be close in age as they grow upXX

I hope you get some answers and support from your docs soon on the pelvic thing, so you can move forward with your ttc a little clearer

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