Money worries :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I've always been a bit of a worrier when it comes to money but now that i'm pregnant i'm totally stressed.

My OH and i are both living with parents for now, we're planning on finding a rented property nearer my due date so we can save as much as possible. But with rent prices going up and me being ever so slightly picky about where we live i'm just panicking. I've signed up for local council houses but can't rely too heavily on that. Also, i know i'll only be able to come back to work part time after my maternity leave is up as our family members work and don't really have anyone else to help our with childcare. At the moment i'm barely spending anything and putting as much as possible into my savings account but i still don't think it'll amount to much when we have baby stuff to buy and deposits to put down on houses etc.

My OH and i have had problems with money in the past too. We did live together for 2 years at one point but his lack of common sense with money and leaving me to pay bills/rent/food regularly put massive strain on the relationship so i'm hoping that now he'll change his ways.

Does anyone else worry like this? Also i'm totally clueless about working tax credits and other things that may help boost my wages when i do return to work. Please tell me i'm not the only one panicking over the pennies :( xx
firstly, you arent on your own!
my baby is 9 months old now, and thinking back to when i was pregnant I felt exactly the same!
you will find ways to cope. i certainly have! your OH needs to buck his ideas up for your sake and your babys sake. i still live with my mum to save money, and im 21. it is a little tricky at times but its better than paying rent.

there is a scheme that ive heard of, you privately rent and you can get housing benefit to help cover your rent. i went to my local town hall to chat to the council about it and they have a calculator to work out how much you are entitled to and stuff. hope this helps :)
and dont worry yourself too much, we all cope xxx
im in the same boat - i havent had money worries in the past so hav been quite lucky in life so far.

we have just let our apartment out and are looking for somewhere closer to family to rent but this will cost us more each month.

i keep worrying that our tenant will pull out or not make a monthly payment then we r screwed??? also we will struggle a lot through my maternity leave and afterwards if i cant return to work full time.

just wanted to reassure u that ur definately not on your own - hopefully all works out ok for us both :-)

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