S-I-L is pregnant :-(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Seriously - does anyone else I know want to get pregnant and be due around the time I would have been to rub it in a little more?? :shock:

First time I would have been due 4th Jan and I have two friends due 28th and 31st Dec. Both announed their pregnancies just before I found out.. but stil.

Second time would have been due end of May and now my S-I-L (OH's Bro's partner) has announced she is expecting her 2nd baby - due at the end of May.

Just waiting for someone else to announce they are preggers and due on 3rd July and then I might scream

:shock: :shock: :shock:
awww hun a close friend of mine is ready to pop any time now it hurts doesn't it :-( :hugs: our turn soon!
Why does everyone close to me seem to get pregnant and be due exactly at the time I woudl haev been?

That's what pi55es me off.

I know it's just coincidence but Jeez!
So sorry pet. I know how much it hurts. Friend of mine had her baby around time I was due in August. She even announced it on fb the week I lost mine. I hope you're ok. xx
Aww hunni...I had the same...my sister announced about a week after my MC that she was expecting :( I was devastated...coudnt talk to her for about a month, just couldnt face it :( It is hard :( big hugs hun xxx
a few weeks back, i found out about 6 friends/cousins getting pregnant/getting to 12 weeks ok and it it was awful, each one like a punch in the stomach! i'm so happy for them and I'm sure if i could start trying now it would be easier but I know 2 of them weren't even trying. ah well
S-I-L knows nothing about the 2nd or 3rd loss (very few people do) and I know it's not as if they timed it this way on purpose.

It just seems like not only are people getting pregnant at will and having healthy pregnancies without a second thought but they seem to be due on dates that are very significant to me me.

Such is life hey?

I am always happy to hear of a new bub in the midst and I would never, for a moment, wish the heartache I have suffered on anyone else but it is frustrating!

My OH was shocked when I melted into tears after he told me the "news" yesterday. I don't think he gets what it does to me?

He thinks I should be back to "normal" by now?

Awww sorry Carnat, it's so so difficult when friends, relatives and colleagues all around you are announcing pregnancies, births, due dates etc etc....I think it's a feeling that no one could really truly understand unless they've been through a m/c themselves :(.
On my first day back at work, my pregnant colleague (and good friend), came over asked how I was and proceeded to tell me all about her scans, and how her pregnancy is going.....my manager took me aside for a back to work interview and the first thing she asked was 'how far on were you', and 'oh well you can keep practising!', and then commented on how everyone in the office seems to be getting pregnant!!!!!!!! I didn't know whether to run screaming out of the building or just laugh hysterically as it was sooooo unbelievable!!!!
Made me realise when people do know about your m/c, they really don;t know how to handle the situation, what to say etc....
I think there is a certain amount of denial goes on, and a certain 'time frame' given by which time people 'expect' you to have 'got over' the trauma!!! Truth is, it never really goes!
Sending big hugs to you Carnat!!! xxxxxx
It is always the way hun, happened to me to and I know how it twists the knife and makes it raw in that trying to heal wound. hugs xxx
I'm so so sorry hon and I really understand how you feel. After the mmc in March, my eldest sister told everyone 3 weeks later she was 5 weeks pregnant, which meant she had conceived when I had lost my baby. I was so devastated and distraught esp. because she already had 3 kids and had previously said they didn't want anymore.

As you said we don't wish this pain on anyone and we obviously want everyone around us to be happy but it is so tough. I also found it worse that they felt so confident everything would be fine that they announced it so early - I will never have the confidence to do that. DH didn't understand either but I eventually have explained it to him bit by bit and tried to get him to read a book on the different experiences of women coping with loss and eventually he started to understand. I really hope your OH starts being able to support you but until then you have all of us who understand how you feel and will never ever judge you for those feelings.

Lots of love xxxxx
It's so frustrating isn't it, it's not like they do it on purpose, but it sure feels like it sometimes. I've shut down my facebook account because i'm fed up of people announcing their pregnancies then adding every new symptom. I can't blame them, they are excited I'd probably be the same but it don't stop it hurting like hell to see/read.

Thinking of you babe, stay strong, you're doing so well already, keep going xxx
S-I-L has actually been dated 19th May although she was 11 days late with her first and that would put her almost bang on my May date (28th May!)

I am sure this bub will be earlier though!

Ironically 28th May was also the date 1st M/C occured - I need to stop with all this date shite don't I?
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I would think the same, I mean there are 352 days of the year so they could have easily picked some other dates ;) I feel the same x

Between us ladies my SIL has the same due date as what I would have been in March 11th and if I dont have a BFP by then I am not sure how I am going to get my head round it all.

Its not that Im not happy for them, it is just a constant reminder that I have lost little beams :(

Everyone is pregnant at the moment and its all a big conspiracy against me!!!! xxx
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I know those feelings, everyone I know seems to be pregnant!
I know exactly what u mean reference the date thing! I'm always comparing dates to my 1st pregnancy. I also find it rather ironic that my new due date is 2 days before my mc happened this year! I mean out of all the dates in the year, and I could be giving birth on the day I lost my 1st bean! :(

Big hugs to u all :hugs: xxx

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