Ryan Peter James Brennan 24/10/07 10lb 7.5oz


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Jan 25, 2007
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well i did it!! god knows how, im am just SO relieved that it is all over. And i can honestly say i am NEVER doing it again.It was so much worse than i remembered! Right i'll start with the important stuff

Name: Ryan Peter James Brennan (Peter James after his dad)
D.O.B: Wed 24/10/07 induced
Time: 5:10pm
Weight: 10lb 7.5oz
Place: S****horpe general hospital
Pain relief: 2 paracetamol, tens machine, then 20mins of gas and air
Birth partner: pete my husband (mum should've been there too but didnt make it in time)
No stitches needed but 1st degree tear and grazing.
Total labour time: 2hr 18mins

We went to hospital at 8:30 on the wednesday morning to be induced. Got to ward 26 where nothing was done until 1:15pm when i had the pessery inserted. I was 1cm dilated. We were told to wait and if nothing happened i would be given another pessery at 7pm.

We went for a little walk around, but soon returned to the ward as i was having mild contractions. By 3pm they were getting bad really fast and i started crying as they were becoming too much to bear. So pete called midwife and i dont think she thought a lot was happening because all she did was give me 2 paracetamols and told me to go for a bath! She said she wouldn't examine me until 4 hours after i'd had the pessery.

I got bouncing on the birthing ball, put on tens machine, and was leaning over the bed as this was the only way i could get through the contractions, which were at this point every 3/4mins. As another contraction started i felt the urge for a wee, so i thought i'd go to toilet after the pain had finished. I stood up, felt a big pop in my tummy which was my waters breaking. OH MY GOD there was so much water everywhere and it would not stop coming!

So pete called for the midwife again, told her my waters had broken and she said 'oh jolly good lets have a look how you're doing' :roll: i really dont think she knew how quick he was coming. I layed down on the bed, she gave me an internal, looked at me and said 'Claire.....you're 8cm dilated already' I was so relieved, i thought she was gunna tell me i wasn't progressing much. So immediatly i said 'Can i have something else now' lol she went to get the gas and air and call the delivery suite for someone to collect me.

A midwife came from delievery suite and said she'd take me up on the bed as i was pretty spaced out from the gas and air already :D its brilliant stuff ladies everyone should have it.

Just as pete was gathering up my stuff to go upstairs, i felt a massive urge to push, so asked if i could. Started pushing, (he still wasn't engaged at this point so i thought it'd take a long time) and soon felt his head beginning to crown. The midwife was trying to open me even more so i shouted at her to stop it cos she was making it hurt even more! But after the contraction i soon apologized :) After one more push i felt his head come out. With the next contraction the rest of him followed. All i heard the midwives say was 'ooh a big boy!' 8 mins later i pushed the placenta out naturally.

Ryan was put straight on my belly and i fed him almost straight away. He was then weighed and i was gobsmacked when they told me 10lb 7.5oz! :shock:

30mins after he was born i rang my mum and said 'sorry, you missed it!'

then the midwives told me my established labour time '2hours 18mins' and to give them a little more time next time!

Because he was born on the antenatal ward they had to move the other patients out while i had him! I was bed bathed and moved to the post natal end of the ward where every nurse/midwife had heard what had happened and were saying things like 'You don't hang about' and 'well done you, what a big boy!'

Keep running the events through my mind and it still doesn't seem real! But as i said earlier, i am SO glad its over and i am never doing it again!

There is a pic of ryan here http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... 18b867e2fa

i will get more pics on when i have time :D
Sp pleased for you, I hope mine comes as quickly but maybe not so big!! :rotfl: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
CONGRATULATIONS CLAIRE!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

what a gd weight, very impressive little man!!
Well done and congratulations. xxx
Well Done Claireand congrats to you and ur family, what a lovely story
i have been following your story and think Ryan is just so gorgeous :D
congratulations! gosh, what a big boy! well done xx
congrats he is stunning!
well done to you too!!
welcome little man!! :wave: :wave:
Well done Claire!!!!! And 2 hours 18 minutes?? Speedy work!! Makes me look like a right drama queen with my 41 hours and emergency C-section!! :roll:

Welcome to the world baby Ryan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations! Nice work hunny :D :hug:

Welcome to the world Ryan :hug:

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