
Congratulations to you both-hope its not ling before you can bring your little man home.X
Congrats rusks, hope you and baby rusks are both doing well :) xx
Got this text last night from Rusks...

" Luke was born 2day at 10am weighing 4lbs 4 and 3/4 oz. Absolutly adorable. Traumatic c-section. He's on scbu but doing well. I'm sore but ok. Love, us 3! x "

Sounds like rusks is doing well! Glad baby rusks has a name now!!!
I'm hoping for a sneeky peek at him later![/quote]
Oh congratulations to Rusks, he is a real little one, cant wait to see his pictures.
congratulations :hug:
i bet he will be worth all the drama.
its such a relief to hear that he is here
safe and well
ll the best to u all :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks for the text Rusks!

Sorry to hear c section was traumatic, hope your recovering well

Lots of love to you, Gary and Luke :cheer:

Congradulations on your baby boy Luke :) Cant wait to see him

Congrats Rusks, hope you're recovering well after your c-section :hug: Welcome to the world Luke :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
congrats rusks hun and what a fab name :D cant wait to see the pics hope your recovering well hun xxxxxxxxxxx
Just been to see Lisa (rusks) on the maternity ward. She now has baby Luke in the room with her for transitional care. She is well, fed up of the same surroundings and needs to get out I think. Fed up with the midwives pushing the whole "breast is best" issue! She is trying, but Luke prefers bottle.
He is the most adorable little munchkin! I wanted to take him home in my pocket!! Didn't want to give him back after having the best yummy cuddles!!!
Lisa says hi to everyone on the forum, and will try to update when she gets home!!
good to hear baby Luke is making progress.hopefully they will both be home soon
Hope you can get home soon Lisa, I got your email with the pictures he is soooo tiny but such a stunner!!

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