Running out of toiler paper..


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Well the title might sound strange, but just wondered if any of you girls can sympathise with me! I'm in my 2WW and AF not due for at least a week, but i've been getting cramps, now i'm so worried she's planning on making an early appearance i'm running to the bathroom every ten minutes and checking every wipe! Although find it odd that I can manage to produce that much pee! Heard recently that a lot of women get implantation cramps, but don't want to get my hopes up, symptom spotting is such a dangerous thing to do. Anyone out there know any good ways of distracting your thoughts at a time like this? Or at least when I could test with first response (AF due roughly the 3rd). Any advice would be appreciated!
Lots of love and babydust!

Hey honey, I keep needing to pee too and keep checking the toilet paper to look for any spotting! None though but i've never spotted before! My AF due on 1st so I'm just before you! I've got hubby to hide my last FR stick til Friday next week (day AF due) In half an hour I'm 11dpo ha ha :) I can't offer any advice on not testing early cause I'm a cereal tester but I've been POAS on OPKs to satisfy the need to test :) I've had cramping on and off since quite early about 4dpo! So we sound similar :) have you had any other symptoms? How long have you been ttc? You could use an FR from next monday or tuesday xx

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i think its a good sign your weeing so much! i wasnt ttc when i got pg and was wondering why i had to pee so much!!! good luck!!!!
Okay well I started these cramps from a couple days ago and I think i'm roughly a week past ovulation, i get stabby twinges aswell as like a tight heavy feeling in the bottom of my tummy like it's being dragged down like it's really heavy, i also have a hard tummy, have had lower back acheyness today, a few hot flashes in my face and ermmm felt nasues every day but very randomly usually at some point throughout the afternoon. Guess that's it, This will be my 7th month TTc and I was actually considering giving up next cycle so this is kind of my last shot, ironically it's the first one in a while i've had any 'symptoms' i'm just scared of being dissapointed agaiiiiin! hahaa x
Hey honey, I keep needing to pee too and keep checking the toilet paper to look for any spotting! None though but i've never spotted before! My AF due on 1st so I'm just before you! I've got hubby to hide my last FR stick til Friday next week (day AF due) In half an hour I'm 11dpo ha ha :) I can't offer any advice on not testing early cause I'm a cereal tester but I've been POAS on OPKs to satisfy the need to test :) I've had cramping on and off since quite early about 4dpo! So we sound similar :) have you had any other symptoms? How long have you been ttc? You could use an FR from next monday or tuesday xx

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I replied above ^^
Aww sweetie don't be scared! With DD it took 7 months for AF to regulate after coming off depo injection and 6 months to conceive her and when we did conceive it wasn't "planned" as we gave up trying and it just happened! Your symptoms sound good though I really hope it's a bfp for you, is this your first? Are the feelings in your tummy like a heavy kind of tugging / tightening sensation? That's what I've been getting along with on/off cramps!! Fx m'love xx

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Good luck corky, I know its hard being in this 2ww it can drive you mad!! Theres one good thing though we have the pf to turn too. I think it makes us all feel a little bit better to no we aren't the only insane women lol. I'm 8dpo at like you having cramps and keep checking the toilet paper, even while at work. I really feel like af is coming early as cramps feel like af. Also I'm having backache, but I thing i've just done some wrong moving and handling. fx for you hun xxx
Feeling pretty much the same regarding the tummy cramps hun. im 7 dpo (i think) and these tummy cramps are doing my head in, esp when they put me of bd'ing with my o.h. gonna start testing on the 1st so these days better fly by.

gd luck all and fx x x
well looks like we're all in the same boat, let me know of any BFPS! lots of luck and babydust xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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