

Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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My DD's friends mum has just taken one look at me and commented that my stomach is swollen and asked if I was pregnant. DD hasnt said anything to anyone as she knows we're waiting till after the scan. I skirted round it and friends mum said well if you dont know you'd better go see a doctor coz you look pregnant to me. Admitted I was 8 weeks and she said dont want to worry you but you look further than that or its twins :shock: She's a mum of 3!

Normally I'm a size 10, still am but its getting tighter around the waist and I do have a swollen belly which I put down to the pint of orange juice a day. LMP was 27th May and was quite heavy so doubt I could be any further...... or could I? AAAAAARRRRGGGHH!! Oh well I'm off camping to go forget about it lol!
oh minime you done well to keep it a secret this long everyone in cornwall knows i was pregnant by the 6th week!!

Is there twins in either of your families?

Enjoy your camping weather looks good xx :dance:
Yeah OH was a twin but his sister died when she was about 18 months and my sister was a twin but my mum lost him and remained pregnant with my sis.

Yer I'm keeping it quite quiet at the mo, nobody in my village knows and only very close friends and our folks. When I have the scan and if everythings ok then I'll let folk know :)
Wow!! Strong twin link in your family!! So could definately be a possibility :D :D :D
Got an interview tommoz and tried my size 10 suit on, OMG not a chance! I'm not eating for 2 and do same amount of exercise that I usually do if not more as I recently got a bike & been doing gardenning and stuff and have put on over half a stone in a month. Not like me at all, I lost 4 stone last year so am very aware of carbs & calories!
I do seem to be retaining a lot of water though and its all on my belly!
Good luck with interview hun!!

Could easily have a lot to do with this weather too, drink plenty, that may help.....although wont be too long before you will not be able to get into your regular clothes! :wink:
hope your interview goes well hun xxx
i am similar to you minime i was dreading getting on the scales as my belly is huge :shock: but when i did i have actually only put on a couple of pounds i think its all the fluid building up but my clothes are definitely tighter especially in the evenings. :oops:

There is a strong twins link in your family how do you feel about that? :cheer:

Best of luck with the interview, and well done for losing four stone last year, :clap: i lost four stone about 4 years ago and i know how hard it is, dreading putting on anything like that weight again thats probably why we are a little more stressed about our bellies!! you'll be fine xx :hug:
Sorry Minime but women like the one who made that comment to you drive me mad! How rude to comment on someones stomache being swollen, can you imagine if you turned around and said I'm just piling on pounds! She should know after having 3 kids herself how annoying it is to be judged on your size! I found that early in my pregnancy my stomache bloated up and then went down again, its probably hormonal bloating, quite exciting if you are having twins though :lol:
Its so obvious though skatty. People are used to seeing me as very slender and ive not put on weight on my face or waist just this pot belly jutting out which is getting more and more pronounced :shock:

I'm like you though, I wouldnt dream of asking someone if they were pregnant in case I got a slap :rotfl:
At least you look pregnant! i just looked fat until about 20 weeks and I'm sure people thought I'd been eating a lot of pies :lol:
Had the interview, my first one in YEARS. Its via an agency and the placement were talking about the length of contract so I didnt really know what to say and bit the bullet and said I was only looking for 6 months work as I'm 8 weeks pregnant.

Agency foned later on to say that the placement thought I was "really nice" and they were endeared by my frank honesty and I GOT IT :cheer:
Best bit is they are happy for me to work flexi too so I start next week :cheer:
Ooooooooooo where was it for minime?
(which agency was it through?)

Congratulations!! :cheer:
Its at a hospital in manchester doing adult care management on an acute medical team :D

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