Rude Primark people

mummykay said:
SarahH said:
The staff in my Primark can't even speak english!! And I'm not joking... they don't even tell you the total, they just point at the display on the till!

:shock: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I must work on my Russian/Polish!!
DebbieM said:
Ah yes, she did mention you lived nearby on Sunday. We said that next time I come down that we will invite you along too! :D

This weekend was a REAAAAAAAL last minute thing. We didn't arrange to meet til about Midnight LMAO!

Aw yeah if you go again then we could do the mini watford meet because Coreysmummy lives near there too :) yay more meets!
PS lmao SarahH...its like that here too and in tescos, they literally can only say "clubcard" and point to the till!
Oh come on guys dont be too harsh i mean all the people in Primark have to share that one brain cell between them :roll:
For the money they are paid I wouldn't expect them to be cheery about work.

I used to be a rude sales girl, I used to be so sarcastic to the customers, it made the day go quicker :lol: . I'm a rude delivery driver now so haven't got to speak to the general public :lol: .

I don't like the staff in my local Asda. A load of miserable old women work there.
hennaly said:
Oh come on guys dont be too harsh i mean all the people in Primark have to share that one brain cell between them :roll:

:shock: I hope no-one in here works in Primark

To redress the balance I have worked as a shop girl, waitress and a barmaid (a lovely polite one ;) ) and the amount of rude customers you get. Honestly there are some right knobs out there.
The general public are horrid!!! When I was still working in a caravan sales and service centre, I was always polite... I just waited until they left before I slagged them and laughed at how thick they were!! :lol:

One customer of mine, which I will remember for life asked me

"Do you sell gas powered Microwaves?"

Errrrrmmm..... no, they would go caaaaaboooooom!

Same customer also pointed at the selection of steps that you use to get into the caravan and asked

"Any of these freestanding?"

Errrrrrmmmmm.... them all, we dont do ones that levitate!
hahaha one of my faves was someone asking what days the sunday roasts were available
I work in Primark :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

HA not really

although in my local primark (by "local" I mean the one 30 miles away) it's mostly staffed from people from my school or people from tech,or that one really hot guy......
zebrastripes said:
I work in Primark :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

HA not really

although in my local primark (by "local" I mean the one 30 miles away) it's mostly staffed from people from my school or people from tech,or that one really hot guy......
You had me worried then me and my sarcasm :oops:

I was a shop assistant for a while and a shop mananger for 4 years but we actually had a reputaion for being sooo friendly and helpful :D
I absolutely LOVED working in retail - was retail management too - but the money is utterly poop for the work and hours that you're expected to do. Getting sales staff who weren't surly teenagers is really hard because it's minimum wage and people with families or experience don't want the sa jobs because it's hard work and long hours for pennies - and then you get so many people being rude to you that some staff just get rude back; places that annoy me most are ones where the staff are too busy chatting to serve the customers, that's very rude and also bad management because they aren't being trained properly or occupied - if they've time to stand about chatting they've time to be on shop floor chatting to customers and getting their reputation back!

None of my lot spent any time chatting to each other :rotfl: there were two girls who didn't even know each other's names because I had them out on the floor actually providing a service all day (they were just Christmas temps and I didn't waste my time till training temps when I could put experienced people there and have the temps carrying baskets and showing people where things were and talking to them - if staff chat, customers buy more :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: )

I'd love to have my own company with shops that I can run but where I actually make enough money to make it worth it - retail is HARD!
I worked in Argos, i got some really stupid comments too..and a woman who wanted me to carry this very heavy item to her car for her..i went to get it thinking it would be huge and it was a very small table lamp i could carry it on my little finger.what a lazy cow!! I also worked in Macdonalds which has to be the funniest place people always used to put "MAC" at the start of everything.."i'll have some Mcfries and Mcstrawberry Mcmilkshake please!! LOL
I love Primark cos once we went there and bought £40 worth of stuff, got to the till and paid cash. Then the cashier opened the drawer, kept the money in his hand and said there you are, £40 change and your receipt. We couldn't get out of there fast enough :shock: :lol:

To this day I still don't know why he would do that :think:
x-kirsty-x said:
I love Primark cos once we went there and bought £40 worth of stuff, got to the till and paid cash. Then the cashier opened the drawer, kept the money in his hand and said there you are, £40 change and your receipt. We couldn't get out of there fast enough :shock: :lol:

To this day I still don't know why he would do that :think:
that happened to my husband at the fuel station, he put in £40 and paid in cash and the assistant gave him his receipt and £40 back :shhh:
I was in Boots in Bayswater today & was amazed that the assistant behind the counter didn't even speak to me.

Even when she had finishing scanning my items, she just looked at the screen & out her hand out :eek:

She then gave me my change whilst continuing her conversation with her colleague! :roll:

I feel like writing to Boots & asking them to sack the company that gives them advice on what makes their customers happy.

Don't you wish at times like this you were the mystery shopper? :wink:
Re the cash back - in the supermarkets I used to work they've usually taken any cash differences out of the responsible cashier's wage, which meant that customers who did a runner with too much paid out cash, rather than flagging it up, did end up hurting an individual, who then might have worked a whole shift for nothing. Not to mention the possibility of a disciplinary. The supermarket would always recover the loss. It might be different in the UK, though, but I'd always bear that in mind if I find that I'm given back too much money. But then I'm probably to honest for my own good.
Same where I worked - if your till was out you paid back the difference and got a disciplinary. That was fun for me when a staff member stole money from my till and did a runner :roll:
lizi said:
Same where I worked - if your till was out you paid back the difference and got a disciplinary. That was fun for me when a staff member stole money from my till and did a runner :roll:

Was the same in both the supermarket and hotel reception I used to work in. Funnily enough one of the managers in the Safeway I used to work in (who used to be one of the people who went on about wastage, spillage and shortage) was caught loading thousands of pounds worth of CDs into his car having stolen them from the warehouse.

Don't think I'll ever work in customer service again. During my time on reception I was physically threatened (fists in face), shouted at, sworn at, had things thrown at me, you name it. The only benefit was that Ewan McGregor asked me where the toilets were one day.

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