rude HV rant alert...gotta get it off my chest


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I have got to tell you how rude my HV was yesterday... I have no idea how I kept my temper and didn't shove the weighing scales in her mouth...

The conversation went like this...(as I'm undressing Evie ready for weighing)

HV - What is it with mothers these days?
ME - Pardon?
HV - You...using children as fashion accessories. What on earth are you doing putting a necklace on your baby? Don't you know she can choke on it? It could strangle her.
ME - If you are referring to the amber necklace around her neck then thats a teething necklace.
HV - I've never heard of such nonsense.
ME - Really, I thought as a HV you should be across everything? A teething necklace helps with pain relief when teething. The amber helps trigger the bodies natural pain relief. And each bead is individually secured so if it breaks only one will come lose and if by a very very slim chance she did swallow that one bead and it got stuck it is tiny and also has a hole through it which helps the baby continue to know like a pen lid has??
HV - What a load of rubbish, why is she wearing it?
ME - For the reasons I've just told you...she's teething.
HV - How old is she?
ME - She's almost 6 and a half months.
HV - Well she must have only just started teething
ME - How's that?
HV - Well I've never seen a baby at less than 6 months get any teeth

WTF???????????? :shock: :shock: :shock: :wall: :wall: :wall: :talkhand: :talkhand:

I was livid when I finally got out... she also told me that milk wasn't THAT important now she's 6 months and food was much more important. Honestly, the woman was dumb.

I'm thinking of complaining...I've never seen this HV before (it's a drop in centre). Would you complain?
yeah i would complain about her bad rude even if she did think something like that its unproffesional to
actually voice that to you. Also she clearly didn't know what she was talking about..babies can be born with teeth, just because the average age of first tooth is 6 months does not mean that applies to every baby. Hayden got his first tooth just before he was 5 months old!

I don't know how you kept your temper i would have kicked her out! rude cow..who does she think she is?
Defo complain!

Arrogant cow bag!

How dare she speak to you like that!?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It shocks me how little they seem to actually know about babies, you can read as many books as possible but they should be learning stuff from the parents as well!!

I've never met a MW who knows what a bump band is yet so im not suprised she didnt know what it was but there was no need for her to talk to you like that, totally unprofessional
I would complain. She was rude, arrogant and worst of all ignorant. And you're supposed to go to her for advice! :roll:
i'd complain for sure. what a silly old bag!!! :roll: :roll:
Probably the wrong thing to do but I used to take Evie's necklace off when I took her to get weighed - couldn't be doing with lectures from HV's who can't be bothered to educate themselves about different approaches to raising babies and children. Its their job, aren't they interested in learning a little bit? :roll:

Don't get me started on what my HV said when I told her I was going to do BLW with Evie :evil:
Urgh... that's awful hun. I never see the same one twice in a row - one only wants to talk about shopping, one is lovely but ditzy, one couldn't care less about anyone and the other is lovely and really knows her stuff.
psssf lil miss had 2 teeth at 4 months what rubbish!!!

Don't worry I had my HV call me up and tell me that I needed to sterilise all Tia's things to a year and not to dilute formula after Tia was admitted to hospital at 8 months... I just politely asked her to provide me medical evidence to prove that doing that would have prevented meningitis... :roll: :roll: :roll:

I also got whinged at by the doc here re lil miss' necklace... I usually take it off but I forgot. :roll:
Grrr!!! I would complain!!!

Stupid old grot-bag!!! Clearly has no children!!
wow what a nasty HV. Definitely complain!
Yup, I'd complain too. Regardless of her advice, her delivery was shocking.

We're quite lucky that our HVs are really nice in our local clinic and we often see the same ones and they know Luke by name.

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