

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I was just wondering what other babies routines are like and what times they feed Ella has 5oz 6 times a day at the following times:


but sometimes these vary a bit and it can be more like 11.30 by the time she has finished her last feed, by this point im quite tired, I was thinking there might be a better routine where I can get to bed a bit earlier.
Cobys are roughtly like this, give or take 30 mins

feeds at


spmetimes he will go 30 ish before or over so it will change slightly, but he takes 5oz rougly every 4 hours
Does Coby sleep from 11.30pm to 7.30 am? Thats really good, suppose I have a similar routine except Ella doesnt sleep through, Hopefully she will drop the 3.30am feed soon, that would be nice :)
ops, missed that one out, will edit that post now, he will wake up around 3.30ish for a feed but then he goes right back to sleep
Yeh Ella is the same she is good will go straight back down after her feedin the night. Do you make all your bottles up at once? when do you make them? I make six bottles up after the 8AM feed and before the 12pm feed x x
alana feeds at all different times, but she drinks 9oz then last a long time with no feeding. shes never had any routine. except having her porridge, she gets grumpy if she doesnt get that lol
I have no idea when Brody feeds or sleeps, I just let him get on with it!

He usually sleeps as I do the morning school run, that's all I know LOL
Alex is


he has 5oz and goes about half hour either side of the times. He'll sleep through to about 6.30am but parps with his bottle if he gets fed at that time, so he has sleepy cuddle time for an hour. I tried 'dream feeding' him at 11.30pm but without any luck - he's so zonked he won't take much and then wakes at 4am wanting his usual morning routine

i make up bottles all at once yes, i normal make them up once he drinks the last one
Lucky you!!!

I have no routine at all, Thomas feeds whenever he feels like it!!! the only routine he has is at night when it is between every 2 to 3 hours ootherwise it can be every hour/half an hour/2 hours ......
Are you breastfeeding though futuremum? It was like that for me at first when i was breastfeeding and one of the resons i went to bottle feeding, now I feel much better for it, although there are times when I regret it.
Yes I am breastfeeding!!! Sometimes i wish he could be on formula just for this reason but then I like breastfeeding him. I never had any problems with sore nipples, on the contrary it relieves me when he is drinking!!!! But it is just the frequency of the feeds that made me not enjoy it as much as I could!!!
Coby was like that when i breast fed too

i changed to the bottle coz i was in pain but since then he settled in to his routine so im very glad i did switch
urchin said:
I have no idea when Brody feeds or sleeps, I just let him get on with it!


ive now got jamie going to bed earlier, he goes down around 8ish and sleeps til anywhere between 6.30-7.30am

he feeds 3/4 hourly and has 5-7oz
Ava is usually up for the day around 8-9am. She'll have a bottle and a couple of hours later she'll have some porridge and fruit. She has atleast 24oz of formula a day spread over 4 feedings. For dinner she has some veggies(sometimes rice with it) and some water in her sippy cup(though she doesn't drink much, just throws the sippy around). She gets sleepy around 8-9pm and will sleep until 2ish before she wants a bottle and then she usually goes right back to sleep until morning.
urchin said:
I have no idea when Brody feeds or sleeps, I just let him get on with it!

Dom is the same, it varies every day and as I breast feed I am not sure how much milk he gets, but he does have three weaned meals a day now yaay !

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