round ligament pain


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
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Hi I never had round ligament pain with my previous pregnancies or if I did I didn't notice them. How bad can they be? I've got pelvic pain And lower back pain with a pressure feeling inside. My mate thinks it's round ligament pain and I'm carrying baby low and that's causing the pressure. It just seems to hurt a lot more than I thought stretching muscles would. No sign of bleeding so I'm unsure if it is just that or if the doc is right with me not making 10 weeks. To be honest it feels like the pressure I get just before I get my period :/ x
Try not to worry, I've had tons of that pain, even bad cramping and as far as I'm aware everything is still ok with me (not had 12wk scan yet)
But I've been doubled over with cramping and thinking I'm going to come on as well as awful back ache but no bleeding so put it down to ligament pain.
That's what my mate says I'm just a worrier. I was so I'll with my daughter I didn't notice all the normal pregnancy symptoms. Thanks I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one to find it so painful x
I'm a massive worrier, I've been through every emotion possible, mostly worry and being scared. 36 hours until my scan and I'm worrying terribly, so I just keep telling myself that it's all ok :)

The pains are completely normal though :)
I worry about everything really badly and get anxious I take tablets to keep me calm. the day of my early scan I was terrified and when she said there's the heart beat I burst into tears. Glad I'm not the only worrier here. I'm sure everything will be fine and enjoy your scan :) x
I burst into tears at my early scan too! Hahah it's nice to know other people are as bad for it as I am ;)
I often feel like I'm the only one who is this bad haha. Nice to meet another like me. X
I've had awful cramping and pains since week 5 I've been to the doctors twice and it just comes and goes! And he said it was just implantation and then stretching it doesnt help you stop worrying tho! That's why I originally joined this forum as I was still worrying a lot and it seemed really common which put my mind at ease more than the doctor ever could xx
Yeah I have found this a great forum. It's helping me keep sane for sure. Everyone is so nice and friendly :) it's nice to have support and to be able to support others. X
The feeling that you're not the only one is a huge relief
Even if what we are experiencing is bad, its nice to feel we aren't alone x
I second that. Not feeling alone. I've got a great oh and he does so much everything infect apart from really understand. He says everything will be fine but it's not fine and it's not going to be ok. He snores beside me while I lay awake wondering if my baby is still alive. I've only got 2 weeks left before they say it will be over and even tho I have him and I do love and adore him. I do feel so alone and I find myself on here. It really does help. No one understands how you feel like another woman rubbing her tummy and praying. Only she can truly understand how you feel. Can tell I'm having a bad night huh x
Yeah a very bad night
The fact its our bodies doing it and yet we are so ultimately powerless
You wish your body to do what you need it to hoping subconsciously it listens x
That's what it is. A feeling of no control over what happens. Why is it I can protect a baby if you hand me one but can't if it's inside me. Enough of my moaning. Good luck for today x

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