Room for a (not so little) one?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I am joining tri 2 having been too scared after a m/c in Feb to join tri 1 or get a ticker. I had my scan though and everything is ok so far, so I am trying to stop worrying about it.
This is my third pregnancy - the first was fine and I have a very beautiful 1 year old daughter called Charlotte. the second ended in m/c. With this one, I'm now 14 weeks and huge - I look more like 6 months. I guess everything spreads alot more quickly after the first. The main symtoms have been nausea (all day) and feeling very full and bloated. My sleep pattern was appauling but that is getting better now I've had the scan and trying to calm down. I've completely gone off tea - this didn't happen last time and I'm renowned for my tea drinking ability but even the thought of it :puke: Its funny how quickly you forget - I definatley felt ill for about 14 weeks with Charlotte but this time seems worse - I'm sure its not though. One of the weird aversions is to BBQ or fire smoke - that really knocks me sick. I hope it passes before the weather improves again and everyone is having BBQ's. On the plus side - no sore boobs this time! :D
Anyway, just wanted to say hi

:wave: :wave:

Hi and welcome to tri 2, congratulations on making it this far.

Food aversions are wierd..... I've completely gone off chinese food!! In fact just driving past a chinese restuarant makes me want to :puke:

Anyway.....good luck for the rest of your pregnancy, hope it all goes swimmingly :D
Welcome to the best tri! I had awful morning sickness with this pregnancy too up until 14 weeks so I hope it passes for you soon. It definitely feels worse when you already have a toddler to look after!

I am sure you will soon be blooming!
:wave: welcome to tri 2 sweety, glad your scan went ok.
i can honestly say me and food have grown very very fond of each other these past few months, the only thing i have gone off tho is anything in batter!
:D xx
Hello and welcome!

I am the same with tea! I'm gutted, I could have drank tea for England but now it really makes me :puke: I can't even manage fruit tea! I used to love the comfort of a cuppa tea! Hoping I get over it soon!
Aw Andrea, I'm so happy for you and your DH (is he still a member?)!

I'm really really pleased for you all! Did Charlotte have a nice birthday?


Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine.
Yep - OH is still a member skulking around the dads area.
Charlotte's birthday was fab thanks - just a couple of little parties and lots of toys. I can't believe how much stuff she got (and we were very restrained!).
How are things with you?

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