Rolling about in cot - advice please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Aimee has started to move about a lot in her cot now while she is sleeping. For the past 3 mornings I've found her head where her feet were. I know this is nothing to be concerned about but this morning I found she had rolled onto her front with one foot poking through the bars on the wall side. Is there anything I can do to make sure that Aimee doesn't hurt herself while doing this?
lol, Corey still does that, in his crib he could get each leg out a different side!! ha ha!!

Aside from a sleep positioner... google it for pics, theres not alot I can suggst. Its what we used, as Corey used to roll onto his front, n get stuck then shout for me to roll him back over - I dont think so!!!
Eeek! I had a reply all wrote out but I had to see Aimee and I timed out! Anyway I just basically said that I have one bumper along one side of the cot. I just found on the Mothercare site that Humphrey's Corner do a 'long' bumper which goes around the whole of the cot, not just the bottom. It is good as I have the Humphrey's Corner cotbed. Only downside is the bumper is £50 and I can't afford to get that until next week. :wall:
Fifty Pounds!!!! Jezus!!!

Rolled up towels is what I used in Corey crib... made him feel more secure :) and stoped his legs poking out!!
isla used to wake across the bottom of the cot, her cot is elevated for the reflux, when we were in hospital the nurses made a U shape out of a rolled towel and placed it under a tight fitting sheet, you pu their bum down in the bottom of the U and she stays put...despite her best efforts

Try putting her in a seeping bag and then a sheet (or blanket depending on temp of nursery) tuck her in very tightly using rolled up cellular blankets or muslins down the side. If she is mega strong and can get out of that then you needn't worry about how she goes to sleep as she can clearly wriggler herself out of danger. Either way the seeping bag will help with stuck feet n cot rails.

Becs x

Try putting her in a seeping bag and then a sheet (or blanket depending on temp of nursery) tuck her in very tightly using rolled up cellular blankets or muslins down the side. If she is mega strong and can get out of that then you needn't worry about how she goes to sleep as she can clearly wriggler herself out of danger. Either way the seeping bag will help with stuck feet n cot rails.

Becs x

Try putting her in a seeping bag and then a sheet (or blanket depending on temp of nursery) tuck her in very tightly using rolled up cellular blankets of muslins down the side. If she is mega strong and can get out of that then you needn't worry about how she goes to sleep as she can clearly wriggler herself out of danger. Either way the seeping bag will help with stuck feet n cot rails.

Becs x
Sleeping bag! I wasnt a fan before i used one, but after using it Calum slept through the night and doesnt roll to often in the night when his in one just rolls over in it in the morning when we go in the room.
Last night Aimee rolled onto her front and started shouting so I went in to check on her and she rolled back. So at least I know that she can roll back now. I used the sleeping bag but she still ends up moving around! :lol: She can't roll over or get her foot through the bars though!
We used bolsters (made from pillows tied up) they don't work now as he can crawl and stand :wall:
Its the norty baby moving fairies that do it really lol!!

No advice hon, hay started doing this too, its mad isnt it lol!
We used a sleeping gro bag for Isaac to stop his legs going through the cot bars. I have heard that cot bumpers can be dangerous.
sparky said:
isla used to wake across the bottom of the cot, her cot is elevated for the reflux, when we were in hospital the nurses made a U shape out of a rolled towel and placed it under a tight fitting sheet, you pu their bum down in the bottom of the U and she stays put...despite her best efforts

Wish I had known that when Connie was a newborn. We used to elevate one end of the cot as she was so snotty but she always ended up in a heap at the bottom. That is such a simple idea. Will remember that for no.2 :D

Connie has just started rolling and now she knows she can do it she is spending as much time on her front as she can. Will roll up 2 towels and put them under the sheets to keep her in postion on her back.
Cot bumpers should be removed once they start pulling themselves up as there is a risk they can climb on it and fall. As LO is already 4 months it is probably not worth the money.

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