Role play game

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ditto!!!!! im soo excited!!!!!! and 9 is fine for me tonight i wudnt even give us the option if 9 suits u better tho tbh xx
Wss ^^^ x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
The town mayor can reveal themselves today :) Anyone have any idea who this is?

Remember it might be wise to suck up to them if you're a mummy as they're the only one who can save you :lol: But remember town mayor you can only save one mummy, be it the first one tonight or a a few days in ;)

So who do we think is the lovely town Mayor, actually town mayor don't reveal yourself on this thread ;) We'll wait until the official thread :)
Can we still say who we think it is on here though?
I was thinking Alice too haha but then got more veered towards Chaz in my confused state of mind haha! :rofl: xx
I cant even remember who else is playing now :rofl: I so think Im gonna majorly fail at this game!
Are we suppose ti give clues? Are we supposed to guess in the thread?
I think the main idea is to keep your identity a secret and try and guess who others are... thats what Im doing anyway not entirely sure its right :rofl:
Guess away :lol: Remember its more a case of trying to work out who the hv's are :)

So according to you all, you'll be declaring that you're definitely a mummy ;)
So basically all the hv's have gotta lie through their teeth and make everyone believe they are mummys and the mummys have gotta just befriend everyone and try to work out who the hv's are... VERY deceitful I hope we all remain friends after this :rofl:
Hmm Alice is very quiet...
I think Im gonna have to get my sherlock homes cap on and do some serious investigating... I dont want to lose!
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