Role play game

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But Hv's (whoever you are :lol: ) remember, I need the name of the mummy you want captured by about 8.40pm latest just in case you choose the Mayor and you'll need to choose again :D
i am sooo excited! and jenny r u really the mayor or a hv in disguise?!?! xx
Do we basically just call out people we think are HVs or do we set up scenarios like "omg I was in town earlier and gave LO a greggs sausage roll" and try ad judge from answers?!


The mayor hasn't revealed themselves yet and won't until the thread opens tonight ;)
Well this is all just bloody confusing again now. I'd sussed it all out and now you've gone and fuddled my brain again with the mayor stuff lol
Now I'm back to square bloody one again :(
I back from work, I worked superfast so that I could get out the door on time specifically to play this game. So whats happening?!
alice is mayor i just know it! lol and jenny is most defo a HV! hence shes making up that shes mayor so no1 votes her !! i got her sussed!! :P xxx
Your a HV tiny. Thats whats happening. :)

Im stuck apart from that. I think Ive got the hang of this ya know.

So the major is saying who they are tonight? What does the major do exactly....*runs off to read thread again*
^^ no Im not :rofl: christ youre on my team arent you :doh: what happens if the mummies vote one of their own off as a HV?!
We haven't heard from a couple yet, I wonder if they're HV's?
I think it's only if we all guess a hv correctly that that person goes, so if we get it wrong nothing happens... Or so I assume!
I hate not knowing who I can trust :cry:
I was seeing how you reacted :) Youve done well my child. Im going to assume your not a HV.

Not heard much from pinkymum, zmd, tiggerbounce, vixforever, Kay etc (can you tell I just went and looked on the list :blush: )
can we team up then melio?! *clings on for dear life*

.....but now Im scared youre a spy for the HV, this game could really make me paranoid!
I think it's only if we all guess a hv correctly that that person goes, so if we get it wrong nothing happens... Or so I assume!
I hate not knowing who I can trust :cry:

* shushes and gently pats back * Its alright chicken, you're safe with us :)
Do you really want to trust me though tiny? Like you said, I might just be putting on an act. Muhahhahaa. Im just glad that the major is coming out the closet tonight. After that theres only 18 people to worry about!

The mind boggles with this game and it hasn't even begun properly!
18?! :faint:

ive been thinking, (and it hurt) but those people who are mummies really dont want everyone thinking they are HVs or the mummies will lose.
I think it's only if we all guess a hv correctly that that person goes, so if we get it wrong nothing happens... Or so I assume!
I hate not knowing who I can trust :cry:

* shushes and gently pats back * Its alright chicken, you're safe with us :)

But what if yous are traitors?! I want my momma :cry:
Ok I will trust you pair but if either of you are lying you'll break my little black heart! Guilt trip:)

I'm so making a list of who's playin cos I really can't remember
the only way we will conquor those HVs is if we stick together, and work as a team, all this paranoia is just making them stronger!
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