Birthday Present Ideas


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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It's my OH's 22nd birthday in 2 weeks and I have very little idea of what to get him!

At the moment, he's making the most of our baby free days by grabbing as much time as he can on his computer game. His computer is in the dining room so away from me so he's aware that he won't be able to do this when the baby arrives. He's hinted at a laptop so he can play in the living room sometimes.

I've been looking for one for him, my colleague (i'm a programmer - should be able to look myself really) that my laptop, which is only 3 months old, should be sufficient for the one game, especially as his computer is a similar spec, he plays but i'm fully aware that should games become more advanced, it won't be long before it couldn't play it properly, so feel that if i'm buying a laptop it should be a super-dooper gaming laptop, such as an Alienware laptop but my finances just can't stretch to that.

I've looked into getting him a Playstation 3 or an Xbox 360 with either movement or kinect, depending which i bought. That choice is tough - we have some PS3 games, but theres only 1 game i like, which just happens to be on the Xbox. We're considering selling the games we have anyone as the PS3 belongs to his brother and he's moving out and taking it with him. Having thought about it, when his brother first got the PS3, he was a nightmare playing non-stop, hogging the tv in the living room, which i don't really want, but he soon lost interest and he hasn't played on it at all since about April so i don't think a game console is really for him as now i doubt he'd use it.

I've asked him what he'd like and all he says is "i don't know", "i thought the wallet was for my birthday" and "well, i need some new shorts, so you could get me some shorts if you want"

Gift experiences are a no go - last year i bought him a Segway Rally Racing certificate and he's lost it, so never used it. And i got him Lee Evans tickets for Christmas for this Sat, which is also my due date. I can't think of another artist/performer that he would like to go and see.

Does anyone have any ideas?? I need to sort this soon, as knowing my luck, my little monster will start making her appearance this Sat, just cos i want to go see Lee Evans and have been looking forward to it for over a year!
I really have my work cut out! OH is on the phone to his mum and she's just asked what he'd like - he's asked for a saucepan, a toaster or a kettle :lol:
mmmmh, my o/h swears by his xbox. In fact he can get a bit obsessed with it :oooo:
It all depends on how much you want to spend?
I don't mind spending the money on an xbox if that's what he'd like as he bought me a rather expensive bracelet that i absolutely love for our anniversary and i feel a bit guilty as i stuck to our agreement and bought him a dvd, plus i really want to get him something for him, rather than a saucepan as he's suggesting
I bought my o/h a flying lesson for one birthday, and he loved it! Said it was an awesome experience :yay:
I'm sure he'd love the xbox if you got him that x
I hinted at one this evening, and he said that he doesn't really want one because he wouldn't really use it, so that's the games console out. His brother has said their mum is refusing to buy things for the house or for the baby for his birthday, cos she wants him to have something for him, which is the hard part because he always asks for practical gifts!

Maybe i'll get him that mini fridge i was thinking of for Christmas and stock it with his fave soft drinks (at least until babba is a little older)
Oooh great idea, a mini fridge, pop it in the bedroom for nighttime drinks for you both or if your bottle feeding, for bottles without runs to the kitchen!! (sorry that sounds more practical again!) they do sound good tho

by the way, top tip, NEVER say yes for a laptop in the lounge, my hubby works nights, comes in at 7am, instead of sleeping , he plays all day long, letting me struggle with Devon as normal, thinking talking to him on his play rug - whilst on the sofa is enougth!! then he goes to bed later when he gets tired, instead of then when he would be getting up and then goes to bed, when I could do with a hand to collect kids or hold a baby while I juggle homework and dinner (For him!). It's the bain of my life..

What about a Lee Evans DVD incase you don't get to go - hope baby holds out a bit for it

What if baby arrived on his bday, then you would just need a little bow in pink or blue in your maternity bag as a surprise to pop on baby!
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What if baby arrived on his bday, then you would just need a little bow in pink or blue in your maternity bag as a surprise to pop on baby!

^Love this!!!

The mini fridge sounds like a great idea! I can see why you're struggling though! Maybe you could get the fridge and go for a romantic meal, just the two of you before the baby comes! Ooooh, idea as I'm typing! What about a joint spa day for you both or just a single treatment each, to help relax you both or him before the baby arrives. I'm not sure what treatments are safe for expectant mums though??? And if he's anything like my OH he'd only go is I went too. Mmm thinking about maby it's not a great idea? Sorry if this hasn't helped but let us know what you do decide to get him :)
My nan is on the lookout for a massage for him as he loves those and my mum was considering a fishing license although she's not entirely sure its worth it as there would only be 7 months usage out of it before it expires (if you buy 1st April, you get a whole year) plus he has no-one to go with. He's said no more DVDs. Maybe i could have someone knock the chimney breast down for him as i know he wants that done. Do you think he'll notice the mess in the evenings whilst they do it? :lol: :lol:

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