RMC referral wait


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2013
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I've just gone through my third miscarriage and the doctor has referred me to the gynae consultant for recurrent miscarriage investigations. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Am I meant to stop ttc until I have the first appointment? My doc said to just wait one cycle then try again. I know this is dependent on where you live, but how long have people had to wait for an appointment?
Strangely, after the first two mmc, we delayed ttc again for 1/2 cycles, but after this natural mc, I just want to try again immediately. I should keep telling myself it's best to wait, I know!
The whole process for me to being referred to getting results took about 3 months. Its a long time to consider stopping ttc. We did but that was because I'd had methotrexate with the 3rd loss.
Most of the time they don't find a problem, but I guess you have to balance how you'd feel if you had another loss and then they found a reason? Hard call though, I was glad the decision was taken out of my hands though. X
My GP booked me an appointment there and then - it was early Nov 2011 and earliest appointment was early Jan 2012 so it was 2 months for us.

My GP had some kind of online booking system connected to local hospitals.

This leaflet gives you some info [also tells you what they will test you for]


It is mainly blood tests and probably an internal scan - make sure your partner goes to your appointment as he will need blood tests too.

We were ntnp leading up to our appointment in Jan 2012 but I was actually pregnant for the 4th (and successful) time when I went back for the results in early March 2012.

Good luck and I hope you get your sticky bean soon.

Sorry for your losses :(

I had already been referred to gynae (suspected ectopic) so they took my first set of bloods on the monday after (1st july), then i had my ultrasound 8th oct and after chasing last week, found out i wont have my consultant app until January xxx
I had to wait about 3 months for my first appointment. First appointment was blood tests for hubby and I. Then next appointment internal scan for me and hubby also made an appointment for a sperm test too.

All blood results were discussed 6 weeks after the first appointment.
Well I had my first appointment yesterday and it was one of the most soul destroying experiences! Within 5 mins we got told that only 1 in 10 people find a reason for their miscarriages and that if no reason was found for mine they'd just put it down to age (I'm 38); then we got sent for blood tests - karotyping as the clotting ones had been done after mmc2 and came back clear. I'll get the results in the post apparently. If there is nothing wrong with these tests, I got the distinct impression that that was it- nothing more they could do, just keep trying n take low dose aspirin if I got pregnant again. So, so, so upset. I knew we weren't going to get any answers, but a little bit of encouragement and support (or a flicker of hope) wouldn't have gone amiss! I'm going to wait for the results, but contemplating going back to my doctors and asking for a referral to somewhere else for a second opinion. Surely there's more than this?
Sorry that you didn't get many positives from your appointment.

We were told that 70% of recurrent miscarriages remain unexplained :shock:, of course we fell into that 70%.

In some ways it was good to know there was no "reason" as such... We were told if there were issues with my egg quality / reserve it could lead to needing a referral for IVF :shock: :shock: so it was good to know there was nothing glaringly obvious wrong iykwim?

I did go on to have a successful pregnancy but I have now had a 4th loss so God knows what is going on with me.

My only advice would be to consider going private if you can? I know the NHS only offer the basic testing.

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Thanks Carnat22 for your comments- you put a different spin on it than the consultant! I'll wait for the results and then investigate private options from there.
I'm sorry they weren't more helpful or comforting :(

Its such a horrible feeling being in limbo and all the 'what ifs'. I do think it would be a relief to hear that there is nothing wrong, but also If something 'simple' is wrong that can be easily remedied. My absolute biggest fear would be to hear that we are infertile, I am so dreading my appointment. Really hope you get some positive answers soon xxx
I asked my GP to refer me in September and I had my appointment in mid November. They took bloods for clotting factors. They would have tested for karyotypes but I had them when I donated eggs previously. They did a cervical swab for infections and they are doing a hysteroscopy on me soon. I don't know when I get my blood results, I phoned for them and they told me I had to speak to the nursing staff but when they put me through to them, no-one picks up.

I don't know about whether to TTC in the meantime. I didn't because I didn't want to be in the early stages of pregnancy when the hysteroscopy was booked and lose my appointment for it, only to miscarry later and have to wait again for the hysteroscopy. Though that decision was only made after a few weeks, my instinct was to start trying again ASAP because I didn't think I could mentally wait that long to try again but time has passed more quickly than I realised and now I'm okay with waiting a few more weeks.

I don't think the hysteroscopy will show up anything but I don't want to risk it really. I mainly want to get my blood clotting results back because I kind of feel that if anything is wrong, it is that.

It is hard waiting and deciding whether to hold off TTCing in the meantime, you kind of have to weigh up all the options and see what is going to work best for you. I hope you get some answers from the clinic, I know not everyone does but if you do at least you know where to go next.
I had much the same experience as u. Went and she said as all before 7 weeks was even a chance they were chemicals so she doesn't see it as losses at all.
She sent me for bloods and an internal scan. They both came back normal even though she was unable to find my right ovary. She didn't seem bothered. Got letter back to docs saying discharged.

Woman at hospital said I was still only 29 so chances are ill just have a healthy pregnancy eventually . Fact it will be 4 yrs in feb meant nothing to her.
I'm so sorry for your losses. It took around 3 months for me. I didn't get any reason for my miscarriages but I was advised take baby aspirin daily n I had progesterone pessarys until 12/13 weeks and I'm now 37 weeks I think it helped me get this far genuinely xxx

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