Right thats it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I'm going to make a big sign that says " expecting twins - 8 weeks still to go" And I'm going to change the weeks as I countdown and walk about with it. I'm sick and tired of people constantly asking and saying the same things "oh not long to go now then or or are you due in the next couple of weeks????? I wish they would all piss off and mind their own business. I must get it at least twice a day and I've had enough, I know I'm like the side of a house I don't need reminded :mad::mad:

Sorry rant over :lol:
God it must be so frustrating!!

I don't mean to make fun but I can just imagine you with a sign on a stick like the "golf sale" people who wander around London!
God it must be so frustrating!!

I don't mean to make fun but I can just imagine you with a sign on a stick like the "golf sale" people who wander around London!

That put a smile on my face :)

I'm going to start wearing sacks and then it might not be as noticable.... People not be a quick to comment if they think I'm just a big fatty :)
:rofl: we are all getting it in one way or another. you are looking big (obviously), i get comments about being "neat" like its a good think...well it f***ing isnt. same size of baby in there as everyone else, and its bloody tight and sore.

people just want to comment and there are always going to be the odd few to cause offence, and some days no matter what anyone says, we will want to physically abuse them :lol: the joys of pregnancy.

i was soooo stressed about being small a few weeks ago, water of a... now xx
:rofl: thats so annoying!! ive seen t shirts that say "yes - im pregnant" and things like that, answers everyones questions!! lol!
i went to buy makeup in boots the other day and i use benefit. anyway i sat down and i noticed the girl kept staring at my tummy but didnt say anything, so when i said "well being 25 weeks pregnant i am quite spotty" she was like "oh my god thats lovely i didnt even notice!" i was thinking, well, dont lie, youve been staring for ages! lol!
and i HATE it when people touch me.GOD its annoying!! x
Ahh people don't think do they, I think it's well impressive if you ask me that you have got two bubs in there cooking! your gonna have a fantastic double xmas - don't worry about them.

You could be like me with my one smallish /med baby bump and I have only ever been asked by people who I have told I'm pregnant, I have not been stopped once, at work or school or anywhere and been asked when are you due, or ahh your pregnant, I have a belly, but I could just be fat so people don't ever ask me, and prob half of them havn't even notticed, and thats why I planned a summer pregnancy this time, all my restwere winter , but we MC'd the sept baby, so now I'm back to winter clothes and under my jacket you just can't tell at all, shame really it's my last time too. The first the ladies at the school will see is me with a puchchair one day and think whos baby is that!
Ahh people don't think do they, I think it's well impressive if you ask me that you have got two bubs in there cooking! your gonna have a fantastic double xmas - don't worry about them.

You could be like me with my one smallish /med baby bump and I have only ever been asked by people who I have told I'm pregnant, I have not been stopped once, at work or school or anywhere and been asked when are you due, or ahh your pregnant, I have a belly, but I could just be fat so people don't ever ask me, and prob half of them havn't even notticed, and thats why I planned a summer pregnancy this time, all my restwere winter , but we MC'd the sept baby, so now I'm back to winter clothes and under my jacket you just can't tell at all, shame really it's my last time too. The first the ladies at the school will see is me with a puchchair one day and think whos baby is that!

Ah JJ my love that puts it into perspective doesn't it and I know I shouldn't get so angry but I think it just constant all the time. The funny thing is the people that know that I'm having twins don't think I look that big!!

Next time someone asks I'm just going to smile sweetly and say next week :oooo:
nose people tell them to mind their own business x

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How annoying, it is very strange people focussing on belly size all the time and no matter what they say (big, small, neat etc) I'm never sure how to take it. Must be worse for you but just ignore them, or tell them your only 4months or something :)
Next time ask them how far along are they ;) :smug:

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