Right i need help please girls


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Wel for the past nearly 2 weeks i have been having a constant headaches, feeling sick and cramping where my hips are, im really confused now because i have started too bleed but it is no where near as heavy as a period, sorry for tmi but i have had a pad on for bout half an hour but theres nothing on it, can anyone tell me your opinions on this, i was really scared to post this but i need ur opinions thanks ladies xxx
It wouldnt be ovulation or possibly implantation?? Sorry mel i aint much help babe? More useless than anything! :lol:
im not sure either hun, thats what i thought but i really dont know, thanks for ur reply hunny xx
Sorry me again have you tried googling it and see what comes up there is some use ful web sites out there sorry not much of a reply really.
ok well ive stopped bleeding completely now so i am really confused :think:
here you go dont know weither it will help or not?

Physical signs of ovulation

You may start to experience swollen or tender breast during ovulation

Twinges or cramps around the abdominal area. These are nothing to worry about; however they are one of the more common signs of ovulation.

Some women will experience a small increase in the amount of discharge they have. Again, it will be nothing to be overly concerned about, more a sign.

If you are unable to spot any of the signs of ovulation above, you might like to consider asking your doctor how to detect changes in position and firmness of the cervix.

Another of the more common signs of ovulation is the slight increase in body temperature during ovulation. For some women, this is very easily detectable, for others, not so. We suggest that you check your Basel temperature morning and night and chart the results, over time this will help you to identify when you are most likely to ovulate.

You should also check the opening of your vagina for mucus. It has been identified that additional mucus is prominent at the start of ovulation. Although, this is not the most reliable way to spot the signs of ovulation.
Thanks for that flossy, could it just start happening all of a sudden coz i have never had this problem before?
I have no idea mel sorry babe?

but here's some more

Implantation Bleeding
After ovulation the egg travels into the uterus and burrows into the lining of the uterus. For some women implantation will cause slight bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. This is sometimes confused for an early period.

What does implantation bleeding or spotting look like?
Implantation bleeding, also called implantation spotting, does not look like a regular menstrual period. Implantation bleeding is scanty and usually pink or brownish discharge.

Implantation bleeding or menstrual period?
Implantation bleeding normally occurs a week to a few days before your period would normally start. Spotting that occurs around a week after ovulation is likely implantation bleeding; whereas, spotting that occurs very close to the time that your period would normally start may not be. A normal menstrual cycle generally starts off light and then gets heavier. Spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early period. If this is the case, the spotting will pick up to heavier bleeding. If you have spotting right around the time your period would normally start, it can be more confusing. You will need to take the wait and see approach or take a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy.

What if I feel like my period is about to start?
If you have had spotting and think it might be implantation bleeding you may be paying very close attention to your body. If you are trying to get pregnant, the good news is that early pregnancy symptoms feel very similar to the start of your period. If you are pregnant you may begin to notice symptoms of early pregnancy right around the time your period would normally start and sometimes sooner than that. If you suspect pregnancy you can test for pregnancy as early as ten days after ovulation.

How common is implantation bleeding?
Implantation bleeding is fairly common with pregnancy. Twenty to thirty percent of women will have spotting during early pregnancy. If you have some light spotting before your period would normally start this is not something to worry about and may be a sign of pregnancy.
Sorry was mean to ask have you had af yet or is it due to come?
tbh i thought the bleeding was af but now im not sure, i dont usually feel this ill with my period but, arrggg i dont fooking Know lol :hug:
no not yet, due soon i think but not 100% sure tbh
i really am not sure im sorry i am not much help but they usually last a full week when they come
What are you like??? Can you even remeber when you last period was??? :? :lol:
i would say it was bout 3 weeks ago aprox, i am near the end of my pill packet, im a right t*t :rotfl:
i doubt it i have had the pill fo over a year now,
Mmm mel you havew my mind boggeled now do you think its anything other maybe pg?? Or not a possibilty???Then are you careful wit it have you been il recently cause that can affect it too!
Well the bleeding has started again and it is still not an awful lot and definatly not like a period hardly any thing on the pad, but it seems too much for implantation bleeding, and its bright red. Any way thanks for all of ur help flossy, i have been in this month had the runs a few times, dont know whether this would affect it or not xx

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