
tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Do you think it is still ok to drink ribena while in early pregnancy? I don't drink any caffine or eat chocolate but its not the caffine i am worried about it is the amount of sugar?

Probably way overacting but i though i had better ask as i wasn't sure x
As long as your not drinking 3 bottles of the stuff a day I don't think there should be any problems, and if you are really concerned you could try switching to sugar free :puke:

Some people eat huge amounts of sugar while pregnant, and nothing happens other than they put on weight,...as long as you are not eating loads and loads of other sugary things I can't see that getting lots of fluids into your system would be a bad thing...
You'll be fine, I drink loads of it, even "healthy" options like OJ are full of sugar anyway :)
This of it this way - juice has loads of sugar, and it's recommended to drink it. Some fruit are jammed with it, and they too, are recommended. :)
I was eating halfs of party sized gateaus towards the end of my pregnancy, and large bags of haribo sweets at the beginning for the morning sickness.. you'll be fine, it's things like red bull and lucozade you should try and avoid...
Fruit is different to artificial sugars simply because they are natural and do not have the same effect on your body. Your body is able to break down sugars in fruit and those sugars do not spike your insulin either. :)

Ribena is ok, so long as you don't drink loads. Also, you can get the Low Sugar varieties too :)
A friend of mine also advised not to drink too many 'diet' drinks as they are full of artifical sweetners, e.g. Aspartme..
(not by the midwife tho, I forgot to ask her....)

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