What drinks does your toddler(s) have?

Jack has water most of the time. He usually has a cup of milk on a morning though. Occasionally if we are out I may buy him a sugar free fruit shoot but other than the odd time it's always water. :)
DD has squash, fresh orange/apple etc. and milk daily at home. If we're out she'll have a Fruit Shoot but I try and get the flavoured water ones as they have less sugar in. As a treat she'll sometimes have hot chocolate or milkshake (Nesquick) but it isn't a regular thing and we use less power than recommended to make it.
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I forgot all about Nesquick! :roll:

Thanks :D
Evie usually has Robinson's juice but she'll only entertain the Tropical flavour for some reason...

She also has milk, water at bedtimes... I've bought her some Innocent smoothies today cos they were on special offer in Asda! Oh and yesterday my sister gave her a carton of Ribena... which she fell in love with and went totally mental when I took it off her! :roll:

I always thought Ribena wasn't for under 3's...(sure I read that on a carton once) :think: :think: :think: Anyway I gave my sister a right dressing down about it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Maybe I was totally wrong!!! Oops!

Oh and she loves a cup of weak tea every now and again!
Well just been for a stroll down t'shops and got some banana nesquick. It says no artificial colours and all the other gubbings us mums like to see on the label so when Isaac wakes up i'll give it a go!

Thanks everyone :D
pilkers said:
Evie usually has Robinson's juice but she'll only entertain the Tropical flavour for some reason...

She also has milk, water at bedtimes... I've bought her some Innocent smoothies today cos they were on special offer in Ribena... which she fell in love with a

I always thought Ribena wasn't for under 3's...(sure I read that on a carton once) :think: :think: :think: Anyway I gave my sister a right dressing down about it :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Maybe I was totally wrong!!! Oops!

Oh and she loves a cup of weak tea every now and again!

No you are right ribena says not suitable for under 3s on the label think it is because of the sugar.
Well Isaac officially doesn't like nesquick banana milkshake :lol:

He took a sip and said 'delicious' but then wouldn't drink anymore. Mummy had to drink it. I didn't want to of course :roll:


It was lurverly :D

Thanks for all your replies! :)
jayde has sugarfree juices which she loves and water i just cant get her to drink milk anymore
Lou said:
Well Isaac officially doesn't like nesquick banana milkshake :lol:

He took a sip and said 'delicious' but then wouldn't drink anymore. Mummy had to drink it. I didn't want to of course :roll:


It was lurverly :D

Thanks for all your replies! :)

lol last night at dinner I asked everyone what they wanted to drink, Seren wanted a bottle of water , me and OH had two glasses of banana milkshake 8)
I can recommend the strawberry nesquick - I had to try it to make sure it tasted right :angel: ;)
weak sugar-free fruit cordial mostly. and full-fat milk. she will sometimes sip on my cup of (decaf) tea :lol: and has the occasional sip of fizzy pop! :shhh:
Charlotte just has full fat milk in the morning and before bed and water in the day (occasional pure apple juice very diluted)
I had to drink another cup of banana milkshake today beanie :roll:
DD asked for her milkshake hot today, I had a taste and it was rather nice! One time when she was ill I offered her warn orange juice and now she will ask for her drinks to be warm, especially if it's been a cold day! :roll:
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Isaac tried some hot choc but didn't really like it :)
Beth drinks water...and thats about it. She has the occasional milkshake, but she's just never been a fan of juice or squash, and she HATES anything fizzy, so its water all the way with her :D She does have a glass of milk with her oreos though :D

Iz just has her formula and water now. I dont see the point of giving her juice at the minute, but i will probably try her on some baby juice at some point .
Just read this forum trying to find out a decent sugar free, milkshake and can't believe how many people give their toddlers green (semi-skimmed) milk. Yes for someone over the age of 11 or 12 years but certainly not for under 10 year olds.

My mum was a doctor and during her last 15 years in practice she saw a huge trend in undernourished kids which walked through her door who had been put on semi-skimmed milk far too early in their development.

Leave them on full fat for as long as they want (unless they play computer games all day and are getting fat). Then give them full fat milk and kick them out to play.
DD gets milk, water and weak diluting juice. Ribena is really bad for their teeth, I would never buy it.

Must try milkshake :)
AJ has diluted juice, water, fresh orange and water 50/50, milk twice a day (full fat), the occasional fruit shoot and one a Innocent smoothie a day.

Semi skimmed milk is fine for children over the age of 2, provided they eat are good eaters and growing well :)
AJ has full fat as he is fussy which is why he also has a smoothie a day for extra goodness :)

ETA: AJ doesnt like hot choc or milkshake :(
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