I got one of those free samples too as it was free! I normally use Tots Bots Fluffles and I adore them. They are the same in bulk but I think they're more absorbant and (this is the important thing in our house) they dry almost instantly whereas the Little Lamb one took a long time to dry if you don't have a tumble drier. I have gone hot and cold over resuseables for ages, I usually use resuseables when we're in or going out for short trips and disposables at night and if we're out for longer as they are more absorbant.
BUT my opinion about reuseables has totally changed this fortnight because Ellliott has had the nastiest gastro-virus and he has had the worst diarrhea he's ever had. At one point last Saturday he was going through a nappy an hour and the disposables just couldn't cope with it as well as the fluffles could. Sorry if it's TMI but the poo was so liquid that with the disposables it was coming out the top and going all over his back and down the legs too but with the resusables and the plastic wraps it was just catching the seams of the pants bit. Not to mention that we have our dustbin emptied every fortnight so if I had used resuseables I would have a bin totally full of disgusting nappies until Wednesday and it would have cost so much in the last fortnight too. Ok so my washing machine was on three times a day but it was anyway as he was sick a lot too.
Sorry to go into detail but I just thought I'd share my new found love for reuseables! I still use disposables at night and will still use them for longer journeys but other than that I love my Fluffles! A lot of local councils have a scheme going where they give you vouchers to spend on resuseables- ours gave us £30 and I bought a couple of Fluffles and a wrap with that to see if I liked them before buying more. When I did buy more I only bought 10 and to be honest that has done me fine so that saved some money too.
Hope that helps and sorry for TMI about poo! He's just starting to feel better today I think which is such a relief!