Reusables. Mentions poo


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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To cut straight to the chase, I have been talking to dh about reuseables and he is quite interested but has one question. What happens when the baby has a really bad case of the runs. Jess is two now and we have used reusables and its quite alarming the amount we go through but she does some really bad nappies. Do you have to steep them.

And what about the liners, are these reuasable, or do you buy the throw away ones.
I was thinking of using totsbots. Does anyone recommend any others. Im a bit clueless about the whole thing.

What will I need to get started and do your little ones sleep okay with the reuseables.


I love my cloth nappies :D

I use Tots Bots which are lovely, quite bulky though. I use reusable fleece liners which draw the moisture away from Ella's skin. She's as dry in a TBs with a fleece liner as she is with a Huggies/Pampers on.

Now, lets get down to the poo ;)

No you don't have to soak the nappies. Before when I was dealing with runny breastfed poo I would rinse them out under a tap, I'm probably weird but her poop doesn't bother me as it didn't smell of anything. If it was a real bad one then I would power shower it off :lol: Now she's on solids they literally roll out of the nappy and down the loo which is fab :D

These nappies are really good they are quite expensive but you don't need liners or wraps with them and they are very very slim fitting. I use them when I am out and about so I don't have to take a nappy, liner etc with me.

You can get disposable liners if you are really loathe to deal with poop, personally I found that they didn't keep Ella as dry though.

I could talk for hours about nappies now, have only been using them for a couple of months but I am a true convert :oops:

Ella still wears a Huggies at night as I bought so many of them (still got well over a hundred size 4s to get through!).
thanks Kina,
Thats really helpfull. Im really getting into the idea of them. Jess is nearly 2 and the amount of disposables we go through is unreal.
I can honestly say I dont know anyone up here that uses them, might be something I could get others into.

The poo thing worried Stu more than me, I can take the poo and sick but a runny nose omg, it makes me ill.

My main concern was at night time, i was worried that she would be less dry but you have answered that one for me. :D

I would probably go with the fleece liners.

I will have a read at that website tonight when madam is in bed, im getting my ear chewed about a bouncy castle just now so I better go.

Thanks again, its all really interesting and thanks to Ella.
I'm another cloth addict. :D :D :D

I use prefolds, shaped nappies and pocket nappies (here is a link to a guide to the different shapes ... php?t=9994 )

Basically I do the same as Kina, I wash mine on 40 degrees iunless they are heavily soiled and they are lovely and clean. I love my tots bots, have both the rainbow tots (so cute) and the fluffles (microfibre and they dry very quickly). Their website is

I use bambino mio prefolds and my pocket nappies are by minki ( ) and by weenotions ( )

I have used both disposables and cloth and have to say I much prefer cloth for look, feel and smell. They do not create much extra work, I do a wash every 3rd day perhaps, and it takes me an extra 10 mins a day to hang them out, get them in etc.
i have spent £1000's on nappies for Dior i go through loads, i never really looked in to reusables.

how much does it cost to get started? and what happens about the sizes? does it defo work out cheaper? ild consider them for Harley... i suppose i could by a couple see if i prefer them?

if i wanted to go fully cloth nappies what would i need how many. how often are you washinmg them to make sure you have plenty ready?
how hot do you wash then do you tumble them?

sre they airy for bums? harley tends to sweat alot
im going off the topic a bit but how did you get on with Dior and the diabetes test? I meant to ask you before now, sorry.

I was looking and the totsbots do a starter pack.... might be an idea.
lauramum01 said:
im going off the topic a bit but how did you get on with Dior and the diabetes test? I meant to ask you before now, sorry.

I was looking and the totsbots do a starter pack.... might be an idea.
iv never had it done, but i spoke to a nurse on the nhs number she was great i told her how tired she gets and drinks so much, she told not to worry... but if a child drinks to much they will get more thirsty and to simply not give her so much, and to wake her and get her out and about more. i was to blame for most of it ild stay stuck in the house allday dior got sleepy and slept all day now i only let her nap 2 hrs and wake her get her out doors play more together ect, i was still told to take a sample of wee to the docs ( thats going to be tricky when shes in nappies)lol
but things are great between me and Dior now she eats more healthy sleeps less im so happy now i was really lazy with her before, it was tuff and she screamed for a few days but now shes happy with a pear rather then chocolate all the time :D

im a hapy mummy now and enjoying every min of it rather then it being a chore :angel:
how much does it cost to get started? and what happens about the sizes? does it defo work out cheaper? ild consider them for Harley... i suppose i could by a couple see if i prefer them?

I spent about £200 in total on a wide variety of nappies. Ella is in size 2 tots bots which I think will last her until she gets to 25lb, so will most of the other nappies.
Over the long run it does work out cheaper, especially if you do have any more children and use them again (which is what I plan to do, would help if I have another girl though as lots of mine are very girly!). I'd definately just buy a couple to start with if you're not sure, a lot of companies do trial packs which work out cheaper. If you're used to disposables then you might like the Wonderoo Magicalls, they're just like a disposable. . I'd buy a couple, see how you get on, then go from there if you're not sure.

if i wanted to go fully cloth nappies what would i need how many. how often are you washinmg them to make sure you have plenty ready?
how hot do you wash then do you tumble them?

sre they airy for bums? harley tends to sweat alot

I'd see how many nappies Harley gets through in an average day and go for 3-4 days worth. I've got enough to comfortably cover us for at least 5 days now. I do a wash when my bin gets full, about every 4 days. I don't tumble them as my tumble drier only does real hot, and you need to do it on a cooler heat. If it's raining outside then it takes about 2 days for them to dry indoors with no heaters on, I guess they'd take a day if I did having heating on. Some dry quicker than others, the tots bots are quite slow to dry whereas my pocket nappies (fuzzi bunz, wee notions pockets, wonderoo pocket) dry very quickly as they are just two thin layers that form a pocket which you stuff with boosters.
I find them airy for Ella, she hasn't had nappy rash since she's been in them :)
Quite the little model isnt she :D
I especially liked the last one.

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