cloth nappies

I heard the disposable liners can be quite messy ... they break up easily and can stick to your LOs bottom.... ????
mine are really strong and quite thick, they have never broken up for me, and they always still in the nappy when i take the nappy off?

guess depends on the make, i do have a packet of cheapy ebay ones, i will open it and compare and get back to you
Gruntie2 said:
I heard the disposable liners can be quite messy ... they break up easily and can stick to your LOs bottom.... ????

I use both like Paradysso.

Cotton Bottoms or Boots disposable liners have always been strong enough for us too :D
the waterproof wraps i brought aren't actually the wraps.. they are just waterproof pants from motercare... Pk 6 for £2.99
them waterproof pants arent very leak proof, my mum brought me 2 thinking she was helping hahahaha, ive since binned them. plus there very plasticy and leave awful red marks around the tops of babies legs.

stacinator wraps are soo nice, they are waterproof but have fleece bits around the legs holes to make them super soft for babys skin and the fleece stops any leaks
Have just noticed though that stacinators aren't recommended over 'fasten-free' nappies like terries as they are too loose fitting :?

If you decide to try wraps, closer-fitting ones like the Motherease Rikki or Bummi's whisper wraps might be better :)
Thanks for this thread, I had been thinking about not using disposables as well & this has answered all the questions I had niggling!

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