Retained products? UPDATED :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Im now 4 weeks postpartum following an elective c section and ive been cramping on and off for a week or so, tonight though it became like contractions - felt like I was in labour!

Been to A&E tonight and they think I have retained products from my section :(
I've got to go back in tomorrow morning for a scan! Luckily the pain seems to have eased at the moment but they have sent me home with lots of painkillers to get through tonight.

Has anyone else had anything like this and am I possibly looking at a D&C??
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I had a retained placenta with Lacey but had it removed within hours of giving birth.
Hope they sort it out for you quickly hun xxx
oh christ you poor thing. After c sec with jude i had a funny smell they did swabs and found nothing i kept going back and was just dismissed i thought it was bacterial vaginosis. Turns out my uterus and bladder became fused together and they found out when they opened me up for this c sec. I need to go to docs to ask more questions. hope your ok honey xxxx
Oh hun ive just seen this :hug: hope the scan went well xxx

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
Hope the scan went well Hun & it wasn't anything bad xxx
Well not had scan yet, it's tomorrow at 10am.
They could only fit me in at 10am this morning and I only managed to get through to them at 8:45am, so didn't have enough time to sort childcare for the girls and get someone to take me up to the hosp :( managed to sort everything for tomoz though.
I was just thinking that a was healing well and I was starting to feel better then this starts :(
Grace is off school poorly too with a chest infection so I'm just mega stressed :(

I've been in agony again today, just dosing up and having hot baths and using heat pad. Let's hope this scan finds what's going on!
you really are going through it Hun :hugs: hope your scan goes well this morning & you get some answer xx
Only got home from hospital about 3:30pm - I do have retained placenta and am booked in for an emergency D&C tomorrow afternoon to remove everything. Could see it all on the scan, they have left so much behind, I just don't understand how!!!

I had to have to most horrific internal exam ever, I was in excruciating pain cos the contracting had started again so the doc said he wanted to check my cervix. It was dilated with a huge blood clot stuck there. He removed it and there was just so much clotting he wanted me to be done today if possible but the soonest emergency slot they had was tomorrow!

They wanted to admit me until it had been done but I asked to come home with strong painkillers. I'm now smacked off my face with allsorts to get me through until tomorrow. There is a huge piece of placenta stuck high up in my uterus and my body keeps trying to expel it but it won't come. Doc thinks it's too big to pass at home without complications, he said I could of tried that with some tablets but he thought it wouldn't be affective and would be excruciatingly painful. They are worried about infection given that I'm just over 4 weeks postpartum and it's still there :(
Oh you poor thing:(
Sounds terrible.
I hope you manage to get some rest tonight and that tomorrow's procedure will go as smoothly and painlessly as possible x
Oh how awful :hug: :hug: how on earth did they miss that? Really hope tomorrow goes well :hug: x
Omg that's awful, how the hell did they not get all that out!
Hope tomorrow goes well and you recover quickly xx
I hope you get sorted soon hun...and I hope that when you are better you get some proper answers :( shocking treatment :( xxxx
:hug: poor you! It seems really off that they left so much in there. Really hope it's not too bad tomorrow and doesn't set your recovery back too much. Will be thinking of you tomorrow :hug:
That's awfull Hun! how have they managed it? hope tomorrow goes well & your pain free soon xx
That's dreadful, you poor thing. Hope it goes OK tomorrow - X
oh bloody hell love, I hope youre ok massive hug xxx
I seen this on fb and posted there hun, hope tomorrow goes well hunny, thinking of you and massive :hugs: x x
Oh you poor thing, that's terrible. Hope everything goes ok tomorrow xx
omg sweetheart that sounds horrendous,its a wonder your still walkin around bein like that for so long,i think its shockin that they missed all that and your really lucky not to have an infection!! really hope they get it all removed and u have a speedy recovery.i really feel 4 u hun.xxxx

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