Restless legs


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I know there has been a thread about restless legs but I've just read that putting your feet in cold water for 5 minutes and do it just before you go to bed should ease it off.
If it happens when your in bed remove bedclothes from your feet and legs to allow them to cool down.
In other words if you keep your feet and legs cool then the restless legs shouldn't be as bad.
I'm going to try it tonight and maybe for once I can get a good nights sleep!
Let us know how you get on.... I posted a while back that quinine was meant to help. If I drank a shed load of bitter lemon or tonic water it does help a bit.

I went to my GP to ask for quinine tablets and she totally freaked me out and sent me for blood tests for kidney problems and anemia! get the results at the end of the week. Did get the tablets but they are low dose and are only meant to help for 25% of people and can take up to 4 weeks.

I still get this mostly at night when im relaxing ont he couch Bernie goes insane
i already done that last night and i still get restless legs. not tried the cold water tho might give it a go tonight before i goto bed ty :)
Just to update on this in a magazine i get, one of the pregnancy ones, it says about legs and to drink milk beofre u goto bed. ive tried it and works for me.

i tend to drink almost a pint of milk around 9-9.30pm which can last till about 10.30pm.

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