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Rememberance Day

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Who else is watching the parade?

Im am practiacally in tears it is moving me that much. Makes you realise just how easy we have things and how these people are giving up their lifes and wellbeing to protect us.

Im sure you will all agree with me that these men and woman deserve our full respect.

Rest in Peace all those who lost their lifes, and stay safe and well to all those who are still out their, you are true heros.
Totally agree!

I usually go into town to watch the parade in Aberdeen as Brian is usually in it, I was going to go today, but Arianna is a bit sniffly already this morning so we stayed in and are watching it on TV.
I usually love going to the barracks after the parade as all the old service men and woman come in to our bar and it turns in to an all day thing and the stories that are told are amazing.

I always cry at the parade as my Grandfather was in the RAF and his plane was shot down during the war, my Nana was pregnant with my Mum at the time so my Mum never knew her Dad :cry:
A few years ago I went to the WW1 battlefields in France and Belgium and I visited lots of war graves (it was part of an English trip back in college). It was the most moving place i've ever been. We also went to Flanders fields.

At one rememberence place we were all given the name of a soldier and we went and found their stone and put a rose down and read a poem. It sounds silly but it was one of the most humbling times of my life.

It brought home to me just how many lives were lost when I stood at the front of one of the places and in front of me were just rows and rows and rows and rows of white headstones.


here on the walls are the names of those lost and they fill up everything.

We also went to a German Memorial and I was shocked at the emotion I felt. I expected to be a little angry that these people had killed the British but instead it brought back the reality of how many people lost their lives, and that it doesn't matter what nationality they were. Everyone suffered. They were all the same, just young men, doing what they were told they had to do.

Ok, I'm going to stop waffling now! xxxxx
One of my friends from my regiment died last year so i like to go to church on rememberance sunday but this year i couldnt. It makes me so sad, my hubby and i wanted to serve our country but sadly didnt get to go. I have a huge respect for my friends that have been to theatre and even greater respect for the one that died. :x
kellysomer said:
One of my friends from my regiment died last year so i like to go to church on rememberance sunday but this year i couldnt. It makes me so sad, my hubby and i wanted to serve our country but sadly didnt get to go. I have a huge respect for my friends that have been to theatre and even greater respect for the one that died. :x

i no exactly what you mean hun, chances are id be in iraq of afghanistan now but i couldnt get in to do what i wanted :(

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was so choked up yesterday watching this. I have so much respect for them all.

Bloody ridiculous Sarah, people like us wanting to help and you dont have the right course/training/rank etc etc... :evil:
I always think of all the brave men and women that gave up their lives for us, and for those still fighting the wars. I may not agree with the Iraq war but I think our soldiers so an amazing job and deserve more recogntion and respect. My dad was a soldier and I am proud of what he did.
kellysomer said:
Bloody ridiculous Sarah, people like us wanting to help and you dont have the right course/training/rank etc etc... :evil:

I know hun...i was perfectly trainined, qualified and even ranked as such but due to having squint surgery i wasnt allowed in for what i wanted :( Can understand i guess...no good doing radar and navigation and ATC if i can see double sometimes!!

I have just choked up again...3 6 year old boys on ITV news talking aout the 3 remaining living men from WW1 saying they were brave etc...they are so so right.

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