relationships at work


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Iv been working at the same place for over a year now and my line manager took me to one side to tell me that i need to interact more with people. But i dont know what to do, the people i get on with i talk to a lot and the people i dont have anything in common with i hardly talk to. I dont know what im suposed to do. if i force myself to talk to them about something out side of work they'll think im an idiot!

What can i do to get me more "involved" with other people? :|
The way I see it work is just work and after work is social time.
If you are polite at work then that is enough I should think. I have never socialized with people I have worked with I have my friends for a social life thanks very much, when work is over I don't want to be reminded of it. :twisted:
Youre there to do a job :? Next they'll say "You're not here to socialise" :doh:
I do my work, I join in with banter sometimes, sometimes I just want to be left alone as I'm busy so dont speak most of the day. I rarely if ever socialise with colleagues outside of work. I'm paid to do a job. Ask your manager to clarify what he means?
i agree with whyslifesobig
i talk to people a work a little bit but i never see them outside of work, i have my own friends to socialise with.
on the other hand, the only friends my sister has are the ones she works with, and all they ever talk about is work.
that would drive me insane!
I would say it depends more on what your role is. I am now the technical manager for our group as well as a team leader so part of my job is talking to everybody in the group to ensure all the projects are being done to the correct process and standards and to help out where necessary. I don't tend to mix work and social life. However one thing I do is always say good morning and good evening to every body and always ask them how they are when I first see them, whether they are somebody I get on with or not. I find that goes a long way.

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