Regular cycle, ovulating and healthy but not concieving


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
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I was wondering how many of you have regular cycles , ovulate every month around same time and are in good health but have been trying for a while? I have no reason not to concieve but just wondered what people had to say? I have only been trying for 2 cycles and already feel terrified it won't happen . Reading on here seems alot of people have problems but don't know why or take over a year to cstch the egg when they are timing it all well and doing everything right..cutting down caffeine and alcohol...good diet taking supplements.
I now have very regular cycles and appear to be ovulating every month. This has been the case for over a year now. I'm being treated for a high prolactin level which was causing problems with my cycles before this. My prolactin level has been normal for over a year also. I've had all the fertility bloods done by the GP - all normal. Pelvic ultrasound also normal other than a possible polyp (not something to be concerned about.). I'm a healthy BMI, taking Pregnacare vitamins and evening primrose oil (only until ovulation). Non-smoker, rarely drink alcohol (I really mean rarely) and very low caffeine intake (I don't like tea or coffee). I'm currently making a conscious effort to improve diet and fitness and I've been getting some reflexology to help with my mindset as I feel there's room for improvement in these areas.

As for OH, he's had 2 SAs done. Both showing low motility but 2nd was better than the 1st. Although they were below the normal level, it was by no means terrible and we've been told that it won't necessarily stop us conceiving naturally. He's also taking the Wellman vitamins.

We've now been referred to the fertility clinic as we've not used contraception for over 2 years though I've only been tracking cycles etc for the past 9 months. I'm not sure how much lifestyle factors influence TTC but I'm doing my best to improve our chances. Gives me something to focus on which I find helps.
I was wondering how many of you have regular cycles , ovulate every month around same time and are in good health but have been trying for a while? I have no reason not to concieve but just wondered what people had to say? I have only been trying for 2 cycles and already feel terrified it won't happen . Reading on here seems alot of people have problems but don't know why or take over a year to cstch the egg when they are timing it all well and doing everything right..cutting down caffeine and alcohol...good diet taking supplements.

It's quite normal for it to take a healthy couple with no issues up to a year to conceive. If you're only on cycle two then I certainly wouldn't worry yet!

It took me seven months to conceive my son, then when we started TTC number two I fell after nine months trying. Sadly had a mc but pregnant again within three months. I went on to suffer a further two losses but fell pregnant around three to four months after each and I'm now 32+4 with a little girl and although it took us nearly two years to get her, I fell pregnant regularly within that time.

Try not to stress over it, especially at this early stage. Two cycles is really no time at all and I'm sure it will happen soon enough for you. Good luck!

2 months is not long at all. You have a 25% chance each month apparently. There is an element of this that is out of your control.
Everything was normal for us and it took me 11 months to conceive our first, now on cycle 4 for our second. It just takes time, try not to stress about it though as that won't help x
I think it is because I am surrounded by my frienda getting pregnant 1st time...3 of my close friends all just got pregnant 1st time...actually amazing and I guess I am comparing it to not the norm. When would you worry...6 months or 1 year down the line?
You'd go see your GP after a year usually so I'd try to relax until then. Still very early days for you, your friends have been very very lucky! x
Yeah and would you believe it my other friend just told me she is pregnant and 1st time trying ! I actually can't believe it!
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time Alexis. I can total relate to the conflicting emotions when someone else you know announces their good news and of course you're happy for them but at the same time you just wish that it was you. It's so hard not to stress out and you are very early in your journey. I also agree that your friends have been very lucky. I find this forum so helpful in appreciating that it's not that easy for everyone and it helps me feel that I'm not alone. Especially as people are not really very open about fertility in real life. You only ever hear about the people who fell pregnant by accident so everyone just assumes that's the norm.
I think that when it takes longer especially longer than usual it's not something people openly discuss with others, I think ttc in general isn't something that's always openly discussed even among friends especially not when there's bumps along the road or even trouble conceiving.. if there was a reason why someone wouldn't conceive despite ovulating, you look whether there's issues with cell dividing, blood clotting disorders, thyroid, uterus lining, perhaps it's with the man.. so many things come into it when creating life.

Yeah I have just always had this worry I can't concieve. I have no idea where it comes from but even when I was much younger. I just now have the fear it will come true. I have been trying to shake it but sometimes I just fall asleep with tears just worrying about it and I have no idea why.
Both myself and my partner are in good health and fairly young at 25, I have always had a regular 28 day cycle and we struggled. I first fell pregnant a couple of years ago unexpectedly, we weren't trying at the time. Unfortunately we lost that pregnancy at 12 weeks due to blighted ovum. After that we tried desperately for 11 months using opk's and had no luck whatsoever. We both started to think something might be wrong, and decided eventually to just take a break and get married before trying again. We started planning 10 months ago, the wedding is in less than 4 weeks and after just one careless night of fun, we found out 2 days ago that I am 4 weeks along! It was very unexpected and a huge shock as we thought we would have problems trying again (I am now considering myself very lucky!!). Considering we were not trying the first time, nor this time, I think for us it may have been the stress of trying that set us back. We are really hoping this baby sticks and we are absolutely overjoyed!
My advice to you, and anybody else trying is to just relax. I know its difficult when you want something so desperately and it seems to happen so easily for most people around you, but just have fun and let nature run its course. There is no cause for concern until you are told so, and for most of us it WILL happen eventually :)
Good luck ladies!
Yeah I have just always had this worry I can't concieve. I have no idea where it comes from but even when I was much younger. I just now have the fear it will come true. I have been trying to shake it but sometimes I just fall asleep with tears just worrying about it and I have no idea why.

Bless you. I'm on cycle 2 as well. Caught last month but lost it. Ovulated again quickly so now waiting but just had a bfn this morning.

I'm trying my very best to carry on with life as normal and not stress over it too much. That is key and I really hope you can do it.

Crying yourself to sleep out of worry is not normal and stress is a huge factor in fertility so maybe book in with your GP and see if they can refer you fir some counselling to try and manage your emotions and anxiety/stress levels.

There's probably nothing physically wrong with you but the last thing you want is for your stress over not being able to conceive to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Find a way to let go of those fears and reduce your anxiety and stress over it.

Really crossing my fingers that you get a bfp soon. Xx
Took us 4 months with first. We are both healthy individuals, non smokers minimal drinkers etc, normal bmi (being overweight is a major factor ttc) and I have regular cycles! Keep going you will conceive within a year. Im ttc no2 and hoping it's about the same time again..but we will see. You're right it is stressful but try not to think negatively! Just envy these people that fall at the drop of a hat or accidentally lol good luck x
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Don't worry too much, 2 month is really not long at all. They say it takes an average couple 6-12 months to conceive x
I have been off the pill for over a year we were not trying but not preventing. Thought it would happen just naturally but hasn't so this is our first proper cycle TTC #1. (The timings weren't always accurate either)
Myself & oh are in our 20s & there's nothing really to say we should have a problem even so I am going to give it a few more cycles using opks & see how we get on.

I know it's easy to say don't worry, don't stress, because it is always in the back of your mind. But don't give up, nothing we ever want in life is easy. When it's the right time it will happen
Yeah I have just always had this worry I can't concieve. I have no idea where it comes from but even when I was much younger. I just now have the fear it will come true. I have been trying to shake it but sometimes I just fall asleep with tears just worrying about it and I have no idea why.

Bless you. I'm on cycle 2 as well. Caught last month but lost it. Ovulated again quickly so now waiting but just had a bfn this morning.

I'm trying my very best to carry on with life as normal and not stress over it too much. That is key and I really hope you can do it.

Crying yourself to sleep out of worry is not normal and stress is a huge factor in fertility so maybe book in with your GP and see if they can refer you fir some counselling to try and manage your emotions and anxiety/stress levels.

There's probably nothing physically wrong with you but the last thing you want is for your stress over not being able to conceive to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Find a way to let go of those fears and reduce your anxiety and stress over it.

Really crossing my fingers that you get a bfp soon. Xx

This was posted a while ago I am on month 7 trying. Still no BFP
How are you doing Alexis? Been thinking of you! Have you moved now? xxx

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Don't worry too much, 2 month is really not long at all. They say it takes an average couple 6-12 months to conceive x

Ive actually been trying 7 months now. I have kinda got over the worrying as it's been months now. Just hoping it happens one day soon I guess
Yeah I have just always had this worry I can't concieve. I have no idea where it comes from but even when I was much younger. I just now have the fear it will come true. I have been trying to shake it but sometimes I just fall asleep with tears just worrying about it and I have no idea why.

Bless you. I'm on cycle 2 as well. Caught last month but lost it. Ovulated again quickly so now waiting but just had a bfn this morning.

I'm trying my very best to carry on with life as normal and not stress over it too much. That is key and I really hope you can do it.

Crying yourself to sleep out of worry is not normal and stress is a huge factor in fertility so maybe book in with your GP and see if they can refer you fir some counselling to try and manage your emotions and anxiety/stress levels.

There's probably nothing physically wrong with you but the last thing you want is for your stress over not being able to conceive to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Find a way to let go of those fears and reduce your anxiety and stress over it.

Really crossing my fingers that you get a bfp soon. Xx

This was posted a while ago I am on month 7 trying. Still no BFP

My apologies, it showed in bold at the top of new posts so I guess someone resurrected it before I posted. I just read it from the start thinking it was new.

Hope you get your bfp soon xx

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