Regular contractions!!??


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Ok,been feelin niggly all day but been havin tightenings for the last 5 hours. Nothin too painful but gettin a bit more 'nippy' had some paracetamol which did nothing,have drunk a pint of water incase it's dehydration but they're comin every 5 minutes but varying in strength. Haven't had a show or anythin so not gettin my hopes up to much and haven't told dh cos he'l only get excited lol. Gonna go 4 a bath and see what happens after that xx
Ooooooo hehe come on baby be brill if it happened same time for us 2 :p x
Got a feeling that nothin will happen tonight BUT all my previous started slow then stopped then were full blown within 24 hours xx
Let us know how you feel after a nice bath. Exciting!
Oooh so is this a labour watch? :p

Good luck hun x
I'm always excited for everyone but will crap myself when it's my turn lol
omg!!! fingers crossed hun hope u either feel better soon or something else happensxxxx
Slowed right down now and not at all regular...gonna take some more paracetamol and go to bed. If it follows the trends of previous labours then summat will happen by mornin...won't hold my breath-bet I've got a few weeks left yet lol xxx
Would you want it to happen now Emma?

Yeah I'd quite happily have him anytime now,my hips ache,my pelvis hurts and my back aches,oh and bump was measuring 42 weeks + at 34 week appt! xx
oh emma how exciting good luck xx how you feeling now? xx
Had nothin all night,a couple of twinges this mornin but I think baby will b stayin put a while longer xx

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