

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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We got diagnosed with reflux, at least I now have the explanation for crying when he is put down.

Now they are giving us renitidim and domperidone (sp?).

Has anyone had this and did the meds help? Any tips?
Hello - what other symptoms did he have, im sure that's what is wrong with Thomas, but i keep getting fobbed off. He cries every time i put him on his back. I found a dummy has really helped. How did you get a diagnosis, did you have to beg!!?
First of all he wasnt gaining a lot of weight, i could gurgling noises as soon as i put him down and he does cry every time but is ok if i hold him up, he was also arching his back and brought milk up with every fed. Generaly a fussy baby

At first i went to a gp and she prescribed gaviscon but you have to mix it with milk and that would mean i have to express rvery feed so i held off.
We went to an A&E for a diferent reason ang got diagnosed and they are giving me different meds so i dont have to mix them with milk
It sounds very similar. Tom chucks up loads every feed and sounds like he's in agony when i lie him down, its so distressing. I was using Gaviscon for a bit (with water) but didnt seem to help. I have another appt. with Dr. next week and will beg for something different, by which time it will probably have gone! I kept getting - it's one of those things and if he's not losing weight....thing is, he's feeding 24/7 and has been for weeks. Im knackered.
Glad you've got some answers Hun, Tegan had Reflux but hers was caused by a lactose intolerance so meds didn't really help. hope your little man improves soon xx
Lucas is on those medicines 3 times day for silent reflux. He also has gaviscon for in his bottles. They have helped loads and I did see a huge difference. xx
So the meds dont seem to be working, I mix feed him now but its the same with formula - he is now vomiting quite a bit even if its been long after the feed.

He is not happy, I am not happy, going back to the docs.
Go back and pester them, sometimes it's the only way.
Ryan has reflux too but I keep being told it's perfectly normal as he's putting on weight and doesn't seem disturbed by it.
Let me know how you get on x
Not sure whether you have done these things but we have Lucas's head end of his cot propped up so his head is higher than his tummy and we also make sure he is sat upright after a feed for at least 20 mins, longer if possible. Might help his milk to settle in his tummy. xx
I am holding him upafter the feed but he is still vomiting. If I put him in a tilted moses basket, same story
Oh did they give you Gaviscon as well? I think there is a way you can use it when breastfeeding as well. This also helps keeps the milk in the stomach. Have you also tried eliminating certain foods from your diet like acidic foods such as apple and spicy foods? xx
I have Gaviscon, will put it in his bottle top ups. We have been prescribed lactose free formula now and I am going dairy free to see if it helps. Fingers crossed it does
Sorry to barge in on this thread but I'm wondering if my LO has reflux...he doesn't vomit after each feed the only thing I've noticed is that for nearly a week he has become really clingy and hates being in his crib lay down...he's on infacol at the min as we think he has a bit of colic, I've tilted his mattress slightly, and he's on hungry baby milk which is a biit it worth trying gaviscon or should i see a doctor first? Xx
I have Gaviscon, will put it in his bottle top ups. We have been prescribed lactose free formula now and I am going dairy free to see if it helps. Fingers crossed it does

I hope the lactose free formula does the trick, which one have you been prescribed? he Sounds so much like Tegan was xx
I have Aptamil Pepti,need to pick it up for trial now, hopefully it works.

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