
Does anyone know, is reflux when the baby is sick alot or can they have the acid without being sick?
no they don't have to be sick for it to be reflux. it could just be acid reflux which is basically what causes pain. being sick in itself is not painful, just a mess for us mummies to clean up! ruben is still sick a lot, but as the medicine is working he no longer has pain from the acid reflux
well the milk change lasted all of 2 days now he's back to screaming during feeds and arching his back so i think he does have acid reflux he's not being sick as much so the milk is working in that way, looks like i'll be taking another trip to see the doc :?
That's exactly what happened with Damien :roll: A couple of days it seemed to do the trick then it went back to square one.

Buy a tub of Omneo Comfort - it's a tad expensinve at just over £7 a tub but it works for Damien. Still sometimes sick but no screaming. Could be worth a shot??
Sami, do you get omneo on prescription? I asked GP at last appointment and he can do SMA staydown on prescription but won't do omneo - bummer. We've got 2 more tins of staydown to get through (which isn't working :( ) then I'm gonna try omneo. His zantac stuff isn't working as well now so he's a right grumpy arse :roll:
No we can't get it on prescription :evil: stupid people dont class it as a specialist milk for some bloody reason - so I get to fork out £7odd 4 or 5 times a month coz the little monkey goes through so much (or wastes it anyway) :roll:

Didn't know you could get Staydown on prescription, would have tried that. He is settled on Omneo now so don't want to change him anymore. Why they do Staydown and not Omneo (considering they treat the same condition) I don't know. May have to write and complain about that :twisted:

I've kept Damien off his Ranitidine and Domperidone since his reflux PHstudy, and to be honest, it wasn't making much difference. The milk does enough on it's own.

I really really would reccomend it to people. It's fantastic stuff.
Hey Sami,

Well I am now using the c&g omneo but cant say there has been any improvement yet..... do you know how long it takes to notice a difference? shes only been on it for almost 2 days....
I went to doc yesterday as im having real problems feeding her & he couldnt give 2 hoops just told me that changing milk doesnt help and have to live with it until she's on solids. I wanted to hit him :wall:

OMG your right about the poo :shock: :shock: :shock:
It STINKS ! I even gagged !
i'm back off to see Doctor this afternoon so i will ask coz the screaming is getting worse :(
I noticed a definate improvement after a week.
GP's don't know nout about babies, that'ds why there are paediatritions! :)

Hope you get some improvement soon! xx
ok been to Dr and he put him on Gaviscon at last to see if that has any effect at last he listened to me :clap:
Naomi does fairly well on the Enfamil AR, and we have a lot less grunting when she's trying to sleep, though I've started winding her more. She has spells where she is sick more often, expecially if her routine is disturbed, but usually she's ok now and only possets during a feed or for about a half hour afterwards. No screaming now except with her teeth, poor little lamb.

I know there must be a milk out there that suits Alex (other than WySoy :evil: ), it's just taking us time to find it :( . If Omneo doesn't work next week, I'm going to get a sheep and a goat and graze them on next doors overgrown yard :D
lol when we found out my other Son was allergic to cows milk he had goat milk and that solved his throwing up problem, but with Matthew he has other problems too he has reflux so he is on Gaviscon which by the way is working he seems to be a completely different baby he is laughing gurggling and not screaming to my suprise :D

he also has a hernia and a dilated kidney which he is having countless tests at the hospital for, so he was put on soya milk to build him up as he may need an operation :(

but as i said so far as of yesterday he hasn't screamed or thrown up so fingers crossed thats solved one problem just a few more to solve :(
we had alex on soya but GP, health visitor and paediatrician had an argument over it because it has too much sugar and some wierd hormones in it. Paediatrician is happy with him on soya and it's brilliant for him, but it's not her I see every week and GP / HV make me feel like a bad mum if I go against them - tossers :evil:

We had him on lactose free for a couple of weeks - stopped his whinging but made his reflux worse and he ended up with another chest infection :?

Both older boys had milk allergies and were on soya and pregestimil. My uncle and brother were on goats / sheeps milk - no doubt the HV would find something wrong with it though :cry: At least he's not screaming with it though, so it could be worse.

Is Matthews hernia due to screaming? Daniel had one that sorted itself out and we always suspected it was because of his screaming
hi no he was born with his hernia screaming just makes it pop out more,

i know what you mean about health visitors mine said i shouldn't have Matthew on soya so i told her we would both sleep at her house for 1 night and she could stop him screaming and throwing up, and she didn't like that either :roll: my niece just had a baby and he too is on soya milk so i just wish the doctors would take note up to now there have been over 20 members of my family with allergies to cows milk but do you think they listen NO!!! what a load of idiots i've been pushing cow + gate down my Sons throat for 8 weeks just to have him throw it back up and scream, i think they just don't like parents telling them whats wrong when it's their job to tell us :x well i'm satisfied with what he's on at the moment coz he sleeps, doesn't scream and doesn't throw up :dance: :dance:
Sami said:
I noticed a definate improvement after a week.
GP's don't know nout about babies, that'ds why there are paediatritions! :)

Hope you get some improvement soon! xx

Hi ya Sami,

Well Aimee is a little better with the sickness now but is still being sick after every feed. I just wanted to check if Damien had dihorea on Onmen as she has it REAL bad. I think i might take her off it, im a bit worried :think:
hi i think if your baby has dihorea really bad you should take her to see the Doctor as babies and small children can dehidrate very quickly with sickness + dihorea or just one of them :(

Matthew is back to square 1 the gaviscon isn't working anymore and he's back to screaming and arching his back, i only managed to get 2 4oz bottles down him yesterday in dribs and drabs the rest of the day he was either screaming or tired out and fallen asleep :( go back to see doctor tomorrow :?
Im a bit worried....Is Wysoy really bad for babies??? Charlie has a bottle a day of it cos all other formulas made her sick, and i want her to get used to formula for when i go back to work in a couple of weeks so OH can use it just in case.
WySoy isn't bad, my HV is just a silly bitch. Both my older boys were on it and came to no harm. Our paediatrician has prescribed it for Alex, but HV and GP have a conspiracy and go on about it so much at every appointment I just can't be arsed arguing with them.
i have to see HV tomorrow i hope i don't get the same response :(
Duds said:
I just wanted to check if Damien had dihorea on Onmen as she has it REAL bad. I think i might take her off it, im a bit worried :think:

It'll be the change of milk which will give her diahorrea hun. Could last a few days. Damien's poo was always very wet (and green) on Omneo, but it's just the milk.

tracyM said:
Our paediatrician has prescribed it for Alex, but HV and GP have a conspiracy and go on about it so much

Paed's are the ones which know babies best, after all, that is their trained field. HV's are traned in children and babies but it's more general and they use their own opinions too. GP's are general accross the board of everything so they aren't always trained in the baby department.

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