Reflux - advice needed!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hi girls, Blake's been diagnosed with reflux and ive been given infant gaviscon.

The doctor only gave me 15 sachets and it says to take with every feed up to 6 times a day. Well that's not going to last long is it?!

Who else's baby suffers from reflux?

Did it get better or did you just have to keep on with the gaviscon? If so, for how long.

How many times did you give it each day?

It's a right royal ballache making it up and giving it him after feeds. He usually ends up throwing up before I've managed to get it down his neck. Poor little thing.
No experience myself but a friends baby had it and she found that cranial osteopathy worked really well.
E had quite bad reflux and had gaviscon! For some reason they don't like to give you a lot! When j took her, there was about 6 inches of snow and they still only gave me a few days worth! Do you feed him sitting up? I used to feed E almost conpletely sat up in my arms and then keep he upright for atleast 30 mins after each feed and it really helped'
Tegan has got Reflux But Gaviscon makes her really constipated, But it did help also keeping her up right for 30 mins afterwards really helped x
Charley had it when he was a newborn and gaviscon worked brilliantly. It then went, then afew weeks ago he became ill again and the doctor said it's a bug and reflux. Gaviscon doesn't seem to be working now as he's still being sick!
A couple of friends have recommended cranial osteopathy. I think I will look into it.

I tried feeding him sat up last night but I got such a sore back and was in agony afterwards. I really don't want to have to express every feed.

I've noticed his nappies have been really different since taking it - more solid. And since the gaviscon he cries when he's about to be sick - like he's in pain.

It's just horrible!!!
Cians been on baby gaviscon since about 3 months. He's just 7 months. He def still needs it. 1/2 bottles without and he's back to screaming/ back arching etc. I'm hoping doesn't go on much longer!
The amount it doc gave u!!? We get about 20 sacked per box and the gp always gives us 3 or 4 boxes at a time. Otherwise we'd live there! X
For those of you that use infant gaviscon do you see a noticeable difference?

At the moment, it's no different. He pukes whether he has it or not!
What are the symptoms of reflux? I think Drake may have it..he's constantly puking lately and doesn't seem happy!
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Depends on the baby. My eldest vomited, but wasn't in pain, so she wasn't on meds.
My youngest never vomited, but would scream like was in agony, arch his back, pull his legs up, basically looks like really bad stomach pains?
Ray of light, again depends on child, but with my son.. Def noticed a difference! Took a few days, but if we forget to get his prescription he's back to the symptoms within a few bottles xx
Charlie has bad reflux and he's had it since he was about 3 weeks old. We were given gaviscon for him and it took a while to kick in. at about 8 weeks, we thought he was better and took him off of it but within 24 hours, he was back to being in pain again. We put him back on it and 2 days later, he was better again. Even though he has the gaviscon, it still plays him up from time to time.

He's bottle fed and we then keep him upright for half an hour afterwards but he keeps being sick alot again at the moment.

I went to my doctors about it 4 weeks ago now, and was referred up to see a pead at the hospital. I got my appointment through last week and its not until 31st March!

So for now, we're persisting with the gaviscon but I know there are other things you can get for it but I think the hospital have to prescribe.

I'd say persist with the gaviscon, give it a few days to kick in and if he's no better after a week or so, take him back to the docs hun.

Hope that helps xx

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