Reduced milk supply at 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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HI all,

Feel really down these last few days....I express twice a day, usually 2 oz am and 2 oz pm, so that I can get a break and in the evening and an early night while my husband gives Sam his 10.30pm feed. However, for the last 2 days I can hardly express an ounce. I haven't got a huge milk supply anyway I don't think ( I have never managed more than 2 oz in one go) but now I can leave it pumping for an hour trying all different positions/angles but I'm hardly getting anything.

Can anyone offer any advice?


I am certainly no expert, but maybe your LO is having a growth spurt and taking the extra that you were expressing?
yup. sounds like a growth spurt. sorry hon, think you're going to have to look after the late feed for a little bit... you could try taking fenugreek if you want to up your supply a little more? blackthorn juice is also supposed to be good.

:hug: :hug:
Yep Lara is right ive gone through days where ive not expressed much is colliers slept throug his feed (thats when i express)
and hes grown from 8lb 10 to 12lb 1 in 7 weeks so i know ive made enough
Hes also become more efficiant at drinking so he feed better so there has been less need to express i harly do these days

some days it dose feel there is not enough there and i worried myself sick over it thinking he wasnt getting enough i now know that he was :D

the HV told me that some days babies dont need as much so you dont make as much some days they need loads and you make loads

somedays you may be run down not well or not drank enough so milk is less so try drinking more water it works for me especailly on a hot day were you may become dehydrated
and as Minda metioned the Fenuggreek ive got a bottle ive been taking for 2 weeks and its helpes a treat :D
Geordie&Bairn said:
as Minda metioned the Fenuggreek ive got a bottle ive been taking for 2 weeks and its helpes a treat :D

Fenugreek really disagreed with me when I tried it, constantly could taste curry - put me off for weeks :rotfl:
Thanks everyone.I did suspect a growth spurt. It's been really tough...his "colic" (at least thats what everyone else keeps calling it -I'm not convinced) has really kicked off - he sleeps fine after a bottle of expressed milk. but i then feed him at 3am off the boob and as usual he then grunts and groans until 7am. It then carries on and off during the day,peaking from about 4pm. been on infacol for 9 days but things just seem worse.

oh well

L xxx

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