How can you tell if your milk is drying up?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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LO is feeding only from one boob at mo and every 2- 2 and half hours -maybe growth spurt?? (usually she feeds every 3-4hours) I have been expressing from other boob to keep flow up, but last 2 times I can't express more than max. of 2 oz. I hardly got any earlier today from one of them, struggled to get 1oz. Usually after 2 hours my boobs start to feel full, heavy and lumpy with milk, but today they haven't been like this much at all. In fact I would say they were fairly soft.

Is my milk drying up and is there anything I can do to increase it? I thought expressing would help - does milk just dry up of its own accord as I thought it worked on a supply and demand basis???
Hi hun,

I really really don't think that this is your supply drying up AT ALL. After your baby is about six weeks old, your milk supply really settles down and I only get that full lumpy feeling now if I miss 2 or more feeds (ie out for the day without DD or something). My boobs always feel quite soft now and I exclusively breastfeed, one will just feel slightly heavier than the other (the one I'm to feed from next).

Six weeks is definitely a key growth spurt time - it only lasts a few days and the only way to encourage more milk is to let her feed as long and as often as she wants from you. Your baby is far more efficient at getting milk from you than any form of pump or expressor, so just because you can't get a lot of milk out, that definitely doesn't mean that there is no milk there. Why are you only feeding from one boob just now? I am worried about you getting mastistis in the boob that is only being expressed (and not baby feeding) from?

If you really want to try and increase your supply, you can take Fenugreek capsules (available from Holland and Barratt instore and online) or Mother's Milk Tea (google this, I think you can buy it online).

I hope this helps. If you have a good relationship with your HV, it might be worth also asking her for advice and support.

Valentine Xxx
Hi gals

When I say one side I mean 1 boob during a feed, she does feed from both sides, usually she feeds from one til she's done and then I offer the other one. before she was taking from both, but my concern was that she didn't want from the other boob when offered, so in theory she was getting half a feed (in my mind). I always start with the one she took from last so alternating. BUT.... I think I am just a paranoid mummy now as since last night (from 11 pm) she has fed every 4 hours near enough and from both boobs!!! I think I am learning to panic too soon as I have also been worried about her sleeping patterns, only for them to settle again after a couple of days.

Milk has been plentiful too!!! :cheer:

Hopefully I will stop being so paranoid now!! :D
I see what you mean now, sorry for misunderstanding!

My DD has never fed (maybe once or twice in 6 months) from both boobs at a feed, one boob seems to have all the fore milk (thirst quenching) and hind milk (calorific and creamy) that she needs.

She's not a particularly hungry baby though so maybe that makes a difference. I certainly never worry that she's not getting enough. I think its fairly normal to only feed from one boob per feed from what I've read.

Glad to hear its still going well for you honey.

Valentine Xxx

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