Increasing milk supply/expressing


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I want to build up my supply so hubby can feed T bag occasionally and I can have a break.

I currently express between 2-3oz on a morning so I have a feed in the fridge every 2 days. Ideally I'd like to get 1 feed per day.

Any tips?

I daren't express too much in the afternoon in case there isn't enough for T bag and she won't sleep :shock:
What about doing it at night after she's gone to bed? Then you know there won't be any issues with supply?

I've got a but if a stock in the freezer now but I do it first thing in the morning- my right noob always has loads - got 5oz the other day in one go!!

They say it constantly replenishes do in theory there shouldn't be a problem

I've also expressed right after a feed on the opposite boob then it has at least 2-3 hours to replenish xx
I've tried at night but there's never any left :shock: or maybe I'm just impatient.
It's normal to get only 2 - 3oz from both sides. You can keen EBM in the fridge for 8 days and add to it and freeze. Just make sure you date it with the earliest date. They advise freezing in 2-3oz potions for less waste :)

I'd suggest doing in a morning after each feed express from that boob and the other to build up your supply the more you feed/express the more milk you get. I get 9oz off one side each morning now which can do 2 feeds for Theo or 6oz of a big feed then add to the remaining. Your supply is greater in a morning or through the night. Don't worry about not producing enough as you are constantly producing and they get more out than we do with a pump. It's kind of like training your boobs to supply x
Make sure you drink alot of water, maybe try eating some oats to increase supply. They say watching baby or looking at their picture helps to increase output while pumping. Also, you need to be totally relaxed and sitting in the right position!
i express in the morning when i have plenty and then after hes gone to bed at night, also tried fenugreek which worked well to increase my supply.
I've been having porridge for a meal a day and taking 2 fenugreek capsules 3x a day. My supply isn't low but like you I want to express but am finding it hard to find time to spare some when he feeds regularly.

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