
Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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We use just cotton wool with water to clean Colliers bottom and flanels to dry.
Hes changed regularly as he is good at filling his napp and we always know when es had a po as he makes an almighty popping noises as he dose it :rotfl: so hes not left in a wet nappy long enough to get nappy rash and we dont use chemical and i wipe gently so i was confused as to why he has such a red raw bottom :? :think:

Every time he wees he screams blue murder as the wee goes on the red skin and it stings him. hes done quite a few poos and wees yesterday and today.

All i can think of is its the carrier my sister gave me i took him out for a walk in the countryside yesterday in the carrier and the redness appered after i got back when i changed him and i recall last week after we got back from town he had a red bottom and hes been in the carrier then :think:

i have sudocream but its not helping

so all afternoon hes been nacked to let the air get to him but hes still hurting poor lamblamb :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

do you think it could be the carrier?????? pic of it below showing the bit he sits on.



I recall my anti natal lady saying certain food shuld be avoided as it gets into breast milk and can cause acidic wee :think:
i cant remember all the foods she ruled out but one of them was chinese food and we had chinese saturday night and citrus fruits and ive had fruit juice and satsumas yesterday

is it me causing it anyone else heard of the food thing???????
i would't have thought it was the carrier. has he got a rash on his bum, if so i would get him checked for thrush, if it is thrush he will need anti fungal cream

sudocrem is not really recommended anymore, insteads theysay use a zinc based cream
Damn im a nursery nurse i should know theses things but at work they still use sudocream

i dont want to use the usual chemical filled lotions and postions products on him so i looked into the candula cream Shelock mentioned but cant get hold of it :wall:

what am i doing wrong i dont use products hes never left long in a wet nappy
Thrush thats an infection oh god waht am i doing wrong oh god ive had enough of feeling im doing things wrong :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i looked it up they say poor hygiene can cause it but hes not left in poor hygiene damn it now im back to worrying about the Health visitor again :cry: :cry: :cry:
Tescos do their own nappy cream, white and pink pot and its fantastic and ikeep it in the fridge when bottoms get sore - its really good.

If not try metanium - fantastic stuff, smelly but works. Therse are all personal recommendations though.
well hun if you are a bad mum then I'm right there with you. Both my girls had thrush as newborn, its one of those things. Yeast occurs naturally but sometimes just gets out of balance and you end up with thrush. yes bad hygiene can be a cause but its not the only casue, it thrives in warm moist conditions so a nappy covered bum, no matter how clean. If it is thrush it quickly clears up when you apply the antifungal. If it is thrush ask them to check out your baby's mouth and your nipples as it can go there and this can cause you both pain if left utreated. It probably won't be in his mouth but just be on the safe side.

the sudacrem thing is apparently new or so my HV says, I hadn't heard it either. As for avoiding chemicals you are doing the best thing through using water and cotton wool. check out itsone of my faves - they also do the weleda stuff here

I really hope you don't think I am talking out of turn here but I have noticed that you are being very critical of yourself, worrying about what the HV and midwife will think of you and blaming yourself for your son having a sore bum which is a common thing.I am just worried that you are trying to be too perfect and are not enjoying your little boy. I am not having a dig and really hopeyou don't take it as one, I just am worried about you and want you to relax as you are doing a great job. Your son is a lucky boy to have you as his mum so please just relax and enjoy being a new mum.
The use of the carrier may have caused chaffing.
I find the best rememdy for a sore bottom is plenty of nappy-off time. Also, my GP prescribed Timodine cream which contains a steroid and antifungal, and acts as a barrier cream. This cream needs to be stored below 15C so I keep it in the fridge, which gives it extra soothing action when applied.
G&B, you need to relax sweetie. Plenty of babies get a sore red bum, if you are using natural products or just cotton wool and water while he's so newborn, then it'll be nothing you've done - please, please calm down and just put this in perspective.

It sounds like thrush or nappy rash (which can happen despite all your preventative measures). I would prescribe calendula cream or anti-fungal cream (get your HV to have a look or pop to the docs - they WILL NOT think twice about you asking about this!) but most importanly LOADS of nappy off time - just lay him on your change mat in the living room and let him have some air.

You do sound very self critical and believe me, you have absolutely no need to be. Please relax and just realise that everyone thinks you are doing a brilliant job!

Valentine Xxx
Ditto what others have said about not beating yourself up about things.

Babies get nappy rash or sore bottoms. Since time began I would think. Its one of those things that can happen to babies. Same as them scratching their faces sometimes or getting sticky eyes.

It is nothing you are doing wrong so please stop fretting about that being the case.

The other ladies are right, if you stress too much about things being perfect you'll not enjoy your time with Collier and won't be able to relax. Take a deep breath and know you are doing a good job and Collier is well taken care of. We cannot stop some of the down sides of being a new born no matter how hard we try. From colic to sore bottoms, these things happen and we just try to deal with them as best we can. Hopefully Collier's bottom will improve in the next few days :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Some great advice given :)

Could it be a sensitivity to the nappies your using?
We use nature babycare bio degradables have done from the start wel be moving on to re usables once we get back from or visits up north and our holiday in Cornwall.

hes been out of his nappy all afternoon hes now been fast a sleep for over an hour though thats not me i went over to Anne and said im struggling as ive not eaten so she took him and he felt instantly asleep hes in is chair bouncer still snoozing

we do have naked days but im going to make more of a concious effert to keep him out of his nappy each day though it means more washing but so be it :D

Collier hates laying on his back and isnt much into laying on his front either so laying him on a changing mat makes him screams more. so i placed him on a towel in his bouncer he likes his bouncer the only thing is he wees or poos it has to go in the wash and bang goes his seat :wall:

i do beat myself up to much my school life was hell with being bullied and ive never got past my lack of self worth due to this :oops:
though im not as bad as i used to be yep :shock: it was worse :rotfl:

Ive ordered Candula cream from the Welada website so :pray: it will arrive soon and it will help

Thank you everyone for your fantastc advice i really appreciate it and it means so much to me that youve took the time to reply to me
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
While you wait for the cream you ordered, why not use cornflour? Somebody on here recommended it and I use it everytime Ella's bum gets works a treat!! :hug:
and we used magic cream on leland when his face went red raw , u can get that from mothercare etc if u dont want to wait , its all natural stuff in it , milk , shea butter etc

if not bepanthan ?
Hi Luv,
For Mhairi it's not urine that gives her a sore bum, it's poo!

If I miss a poo by even 10mins her bum goes red.

Metanium or Morhulin worked wonders for us.

You will know if its thrush - the red wont clear up and will be spotty too. If so you will will defintely have to pay a visit too the quack to get some very foul smelling cream!
Hope his lil bum clears up soon! Dont beat yourself up!
Colliers bottom sint hurting him as much today hes being lovely and cute and sweet at the moment hes pulling funny faces

its still red but i can see an improvement already we had a lovely nights sleep 11.30 to 4 for a feed then asleep again till 7.30 another feed then finaly got up at 9.00.

He is so much happier today the Bepanthen and being out of his nappy all afternoon has done wonders. :D

I still think its the carrier as the redness is on his cheeks not in the folds where you usually get it its on the smooth bit so im sure its from the rubbing as the redness matches the areas the padding is on the carrier

but i could be wrong and i will show the HV when she come in afew hours
trying to be calm about that deep breaths it will all be fine :D

thanks agian everyone Collier says thank you too for all the advice :hug:
cornflour - paris always had a sore bum and it worked everytime
The redness is almost compleatly gone now :dance: the Bepanthen works a treat much better then sudocream i will use this agian

But if he has a red bot agian i will not get myself into such a silly tizzy bout it its not my fault its just normal

Colliers much happier with the colic gone and now the redness is going ive got my lovley happy baby back :dance: im so glag hes not in pain anymore i hated seeing him upset :( :hug:

i will use the candula cream if and when he gets soreness again to see if it works as the ingredients are more natural but the bepanthen is great!

the cornflour idea sounds interesting :think: :D
Egg white works too! When Ella had really bad nappy rash, I washed her with cool camomile tea and then put egg white on and it cleared up within days. (no creams worked at all)

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