Rectocele Prolapse?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Anyone had any experience of this? I think I may have one. I was having a wee check down below with a mirror just to see if my epesiotomy scar had calmed down any and, well things don't look how I remember. And when I go for a bowel movement it feels like my insides are being pushed out my vagina too. :shock: Sorry way tmi! I'm just concerned that the midwives checked my stitches during their visits but no one checked anywhere else. Well except my OH of course and he said it all feels the same as before :blush: Going to get the coil next month, surely they'd say if something was dodgy downstairs?
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Sorry I've not heard of this hon x if you're worried I'd def go to gp x hugs x
thanks Helen, I'm not too worried, just intrigued. It will be a doctor fitting the coil so I can ask then.
As long as you're not worried x
im sure if they were worried at ur 6 wk review they would ov mentioned it,

id mention it when u see the gp or nurse again just to check, at least u will have peace of mind then that its all normal

Im gonna google this cos ive never heard of it!! i'll let you know if it sounds familiar
ok well i had a c section and his head didnt engage so I havent got this, hope the doc can help you out. :hug:
That's the thing, the midwives checked my epesiotomy stitches from behind, and never really looked...inside iykwim! My six week check consisted of the gp asking how I was doing and had we had sex yet! I wasn't as aware of it then as I am now. I'll definately get things checked out!

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