Recommendation for mosquito repellant


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Morning to all - hope you all had a fantastic, long, sick free, tiredness free, relaxing, wonderfully pregnant bank holiday!!!!

With holidays coming not a moment too soon, I need to look for a decent mosquito repellant. My wife can get quite badly bitten - and I know that while pregnant you need to stay away from DEET repellants. Anyone got anything that you can use that actually works?

Tata for now
Avons skin so softly body moisturiser contains citronella and mossies hate it, I havent used it before but its susposed to be fab, Im off to Turkey on Saturday and have packed 4 bottles of the stuff!! Also jungle formula do one for sensitive skin Ive put that in for my 3 year old.


I've used Avon Skin So soft before (the pink one) and it worked a treat on me.... DH still got bitten though.

Anything with citronella in should work. We bought some heavy duty citronella stuff when we were on honeymoon last year and we still got bitten......we were in the rainforest though so hardly suprising!!

I'm only going to cyprus this year so I'll be taking the rest of that with me and it should work ok with normal mossies.
Thanks all! Will try to get some citronella stuff.
I stupidly didn't take anything on holiday and got bitten, I thought all insect repellents were a no go for pregnant ladies but then again, I didn't ask anyone else :roll:

Are you going anywhere nice Jimmer?
Week in Guernsey, then a week in South of France. Hopefully two weeks off will be what my DW needs to get over the sickness that is still knocking her for six!!!
Hopefully it will work...

I had a week away in Swanage when I was at 9 weeks and at the peak of my sickness and for the whole week I was away I didn't get any nausea at all..... in fact, all my symptoms completely disappeared for the whole week I was away.

they all came back when I got home though!!!
Sounds like the answer then is to go on holiday.


Sounds lovely Jimmer, I hope your DW feels much better :D

Also I am seconding the call for a permanent holiday ;)
How about eating something to deter the mozzies??
Hmm, pickled onions.

Only thing is I love them, but not my wife.

And if I have eaten enough to keep them away from my wife, then
I will have a serious problem and really ought to start flossing!!!

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